
Volume 26, numéro 1, 2002 Perspectives inuit et qallunaat : points de vue en interaction Inuit and Qallunaaq perspectives: Interacting points of view Sous la direction de Frédéric Laugrand et Jarich Oosten

Sommaire (22 articles)

  1. Éditorial
  2. Perspectives inuit et qallunaat: points de vue en interaction
  3. Qaujimajatuqangit and social problems in modern Inuit society. An elders workshop on angakkuuniq
  4. La nuit inuit. Éléments de réflexion
  5. «Qui se ressemble s’assemble.» Logique de construction et d’organisation des zoonymes en langue inuit
  6. The birth of a Catholic Inuit community. The transition to Christianity in Pelly Bay, Nunavut, 1935-1950
  7. Syntactic constructions involving verbs of elocution in West Greenlandic


  1. The seal: An integral part of our culture
  2. Child-birth in the past
  3. Teaching Inuktitut in school: Our experiences at the Attaguttaaluk elementary school in Igloolik, Nunavut

Notes de recherche

  1. Inuit identities in Montreal, Canada
  2. Notes sur l’inuktitut parlé à Iqaluit (Nunavut)


  1. DICK, Lyle 2001 Muskox Land: Ellesmere Island in the Age of Contact, Calgary, University of Calgary Press, xxv + 615 p., figures, index, notes, and bibliography.
  2. DUHAIME Gérard (dir.) 2001 Le Nord. Habitants et mutations, Sainte-Foy, Les Presses de l’Université Laval et Le Groupe d’études inuit et circumpolaires, xii et 227 pages (collection Atlas historique du Québec, dirigée par Serge Courville et Normand Séguin).
  3. Freeman, Milton M.R. (ed.) 2000 Endangered Peoples of the Arctic: Struggles to Survive and Thrive, "Endangered Peoples of the World" series edited by Barbara R. Johnston, Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, xix + 280 pages, b&w illustrations, index.
  4. GULLØV, Hans Christian 1997 From Middle Ages to Colonial Times. Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Studies of the Thule Culture in South West Greenland 1300-1800 AD, Copenhagen, the Danish National Museum.
  5. PELLY, David F. 2000 Sacred Hunt. A Portrait of the Relationship Between Seals and Inuit, Seattle, University of Washington Press, xv + 126 p.
  6. Stefansson, Vilhjalmur 2001 Writing on Ice: The Ethnographic Notebooks of Vilhjalmur Stefansson, edited and introduced by Gisli Palsson, Hanover, University Press of New England, 336 p.
  7. Tersis, Nicole et Michèle Therrien (dir.) 2000 Les langues eskaléoutes, Sibérie, Alaska, Canada, Groënland, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 365 p.
  8. Tuborg, Hanne et Birger Sandell 1999 Paleo-Eskimo Settlement in Scoresby Sund, Northeast Greenland, Copenhague, Danish Polar Center, 149 p., ill., bibl.
  1. Revue des revues
  2. In memoriam: Van de Velde O.M.I. (1909-2002) : Polar missionary and pioneer

Anciens numéros de Études/Inuit/Studies