Theatre Research in Canada / Recherches Théâtrales Au Canada

Volume 36, numéro 1, 2015

Sommaire (20 articles)

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Front Matter

  1. Front Matter


  1. Introduction: Pushing the Limits
  2. Introduction : repousser les limites


  1. Liz Gorrie and the Kaleidoscope Alternative
  2. “This Beer Festival Has a Theatre Problem!”: The Evolution and Rebranding of the Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival
  3. Techniques of Making Public: The Sensorium Through Eating and Walking
  4. An Autoethnographic Reading of Djanet Sears’s The Adventures of a Black Girl in Search of God
  5. Diamanda Galás and Amanda Todd: Performing Trauma’s Sticky Connections
  6. Ambivalent Pathways of Progress and Decline: The Representation of Aging and Old Age in Joanna McClelland Glass’s Drama

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Book Reviews / Comptes Rendus

Contributors / Collaborateurs

Back Matters

  1. Back Matters

Anciens numéros de Theatre Research in Canada / Recherches Théâtrales Au Canada