Géographie physique et Quaternaire

Volume 42, Number 2, 1988

Table of contents (14 articles)

  1. Séquences varvaires du Lac Barlow et Moraine de Laverlochère : déglaciation tardive de la partie nord du lac Témiscamingue, Québec
  2. Calcareous Till Facies North of Lake Superior, Ontario: Implications for Laurentide Ice Streaming
  3. Sedimentary Petrographic Study of Tephra, Glacial and Aeolian Grains in a Quaternary Paleosol Sequence on Mount Kenya, East Africa William
  4. Soil Development in Quaternary Glacial Deposits, Waterton Park Area, Southwestern Alberta
  5. Morphology and Formation of an Holocene Coastal Dune Field, Bruce Peninsula, Ontario
  6. The Late Glacial-Early Glaciomarine Transition in the Ottawa Valley: Evidence for a Glacial Lake?


  1. Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Micropaleontology of Pre- and Early-Champlain Sea Fine-Grained Facies from the Foster Sand Pit, Ottawa, Ontario
  2. Les effets d’un embâcle sur la morphologie du lit d’une confluence de cours d’eau
  3. Simulation de la fonte printanière au bassin des Eaux Volées, forêt Montmorency, Québec

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