Studies in Canadian Literature

Volume 15, numéro 2, summer 1990

Sommaire (11 articles)

La lecture de ces articles nécessite une redirection vers le site de la revue.


    Monstrous Reading: The Martyrology After de Man
    Bashing the Fascists: The Moral Dimensions of Findley's Fiction
    Images of Women's Power in Contemporary Canadian Fiction by Women
    La Correspondance DesRochers/Choquette ou l'écho des poètes
    What Is Known of Old and Long Familiar: The Uncanny Effect in World of Wonders
    The Silent Cry: Empathy and Elegy in Mavis Gallant's Novels
    Pauline Johnson: A Reconsideration
    Jane Eyre's Conservative Canadian Cousin: The Nymph and the Lamp
    Garner's Forgotten Novel and Its Relationship to the Stories
    Canada, Then Scatology, Then the Novels of David Williams


    Laurier Melanson: La liberté offerte par le rire

Anciens numéros de Studies in Canadian Literature