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Lee Poy, Petrina I. "Ross, John A., Marjorie Rich, Janet P. Molzan et Michael Pensar. Family Planning and Child Survival: 100 Developing Countries. New York, Columbia University, Center for Population and Family Health, 1988, 247 pages." Cahiers québécois de démographie, volume 19, number 1, spring 1990, p. 140–141.
Lee Poy, P. I. (1990). Review of [Ross, John A., Marjorie Rich, Janet P. Molzan et Michael Pensar. Family Planning and Child Survival: 100 Developing Countries. New York, Columbia University, Center for Population and Family Health, 1988, 247 pages.] Cahiers québécois de démographie, 19(1), 140–141.
- Chicago
Lee Poy, Petrina I. "Ross, John A., Marjorie Rich, Janet P. Molzan et Michael Pensar. Family Planning and Child Survival: 100 Developing Countries. New York, Columbia University, Center for Population and Family Health, 1988, 247 pages.". Cahiers québécois de démographie 19, no. 1 (1990) : 140–141.
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