Article body
I dig into my house-coat pocket and grab the slender, green fruit of a Japanese cucumber. What a beauty! Half the size of the grotesquely enlarged English variety, and a lovely curve in the tail. Shaped like an uppercase J. The bumpy skin tickles through the wool of my mittens and the green is bamboo-fresh. Bite off the bitter stem part and spit it toward my feet. Crunch. Chew. Wedge. Ahhh. The unexpected one is consoled.
The Kappa Child by Hiromi Goto
The Kappa Child’s narrator craves Japanese cucumbers – perhaps as a symptom of her pregnancy – occasionally storing them in her house-coat pocket, or eating them while standing next to an open fridge door. They are expensive and hard to find, as much for the narrator as for photographer Lilianne Dang, who has set out to give us a glimpse of this tasty snack before they are . . . Crunch. Chew. Wedge. Ahhh.
Biographical notes
Alexia Moyer
Alexia Moyer is an FQRSC postdoctoral fellow with McGill's Institute for the Study of Canada and Department of English. She is an editorial staff member of CuiZine: The Journal of Canadian Food Cultures / le journal des études culinaires au Canada and member of the Canadian Literary Fare research group.
Lilianne Dang
Lilianne Dang completed her Honors B.A. in Film Studies at the University of Western Ontario while working full-time as pink-collared worker. Broadly speaking, she is interested academically in the intersections of race, class and labour. She lives and works in London, Ontario.
Notes biographiques
Alexia Moyer
Alexia Moyer est stagiaire postdoctoral FQRSC à McGill, au sein de l'Institut d’Études Canadiennes de McGill et du Département d’Études Anglaises. Elle est membre du personnel de rédaction de CuiZine: The Journal of Canadian Food Cultures / le journal des études culinaires au Canada, et membre du groupe de recherche, Canadian Literary Fare.
Lilianne Dang
Lilianne Dang a obtenu son baccalauréat ès arts avec spécialisation en études cinématographiques de l'Université de Western Ontario alors qu'elle travaillait à temps complet dans le secteur des services administratifs. Grosso modo, sur le plan éducationnel, elle s'intéresse aux carrefours où le peuple, le statut social et l'emploi se rejoignent. Elle habite et travaille à London, en Ontario.