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Le Prestre, Philippe. "Davis, Jacquelyn K., Perry, Charles M., Pfaltzgraff, Robert L. Jr. The INF Controversy : Lessons for NATO Modernization and Transatlantic Relations. Washington-London, Institut for Foreign Policy Analysis, Inc. – Pergamon-Brasseys, Coll. « Special Report », 1989, 137 p." Études internationales, volume 21, number 4, 1990, p. 876–878.
Le Prestre, P. (1990). Review of [Davis, Jacquelyn K., Perry, Charles M., Pfaltzgraff, Robert L. Jr. The INF Controversy : Lessons for NATO Modernization and Transatlantic Relations. Washington-London, Institut for Foreign Policy Analysis, Inc. – Pergamon-Brasseys, Coll. « Special Report », 1989, 137 p.] Études internationales, 21(4), 876–878.
- Chicago
Le Prestre, Philippe "Davis, Jacquelyn K., Perry, Charles M., Pfaltzgraff, Robert L. Jr. The INF Controversy : Lessons for NATO Modernization and Transatlantic Relations. Washington-London, Institut for Foreign Policy Analysis, Inc. – Pergamon-Brasseys, Coll. « Special Report », 1989, 137 p.". Études internationales 21, no. 4 (1990) : 876–878.
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