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Goulet, Claude. "ATKINS, G. Pope (editor). South America into the 1990s : Evolving International Relationships in a NewEra. Boulder, Westview Press, Published in cooperation with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Coll. "Westview Special Studies on Latin America and the Carribbean", 1990, 223p." Études internationales, volume 22, number 2, 1991, p. 460–461.
Goulet, C. (1991). Review of [ATKINS, G. Pope (editor). South America into the 1990s : Evolving International Relationships in a NewEra. Boulder, Westview Press, Published in cooperation with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Coll. "Westview Special Studies on Latin America and the Carribbean", 1990, 223p.] Études internationales, 22(2), 460–461.
- Chicago
Goulet, Claude "ATKINS, G. Pope (editor). South America into the 1990s : Evolving International Relationships in a NewEra. Boulder, Westview Press, Published in cooperation with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Coll. "Westview Special Studies on Latin America and the Carribbean", 1990, 223p.". Études internationales 22, no. 2 (1991) : 460–461.
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