Article body

Anthropologie / Anthropology

LAUGRAND, Frédéric, Jarich OOSTEN, David SERKOAK, 2010 “The saddest time of my life”: Relocating the Ahiarmiut from Ennadai Lake (1950-1958), Polar Record, 46(237): 113-135.

Archéologie / Archaeology

DALTON, Rex, 2010 Ancient DNA set to rewrite human history, Nature, 465(7295): 148-150.

HADLEY, K.R. et al., 2010 Nutrient enrichment in the High Arctic associated with Thule Inuit whalers: A paleolimnological investigation from Ellesmere Island (Nunavut, Canada), Hydrobiologia, 649(1): 129-138.

HADLEY, K.R. et al., 2010 Ecological influences of Thule Inuit whalers on high Arctic pond ecosystems: A comparative paleolimnological study from Bathurst Island (Nunavut, Canada), Journal of Paleolimnology, 44(1): 85-93.

HOLLIDAY, T.W., C.E. HILTON, 2010 Body proportions of circumpolar peoples as evidenced from skeletal data: Ipiutak and Tigara (Point Hope) versus Kodiak Island Inuit, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 142(2): 287-302.

RASMUSSEN, Morten et al., 2010 Ancient human genome sequence of an extinct Palaeo-Eskimo, Nature, 463(7282): 757-762.

SHAPIRO, B., M. HOFREITER, 2010 Analysis of ancient human genomes, Bioessays, 32(5): 388-391.


CRASTE, Marc, 2010 Brief encounter: the BBC’s 2010 Winter Olympics spot, Computer Arts, 173: 84-87.

NEWCOMB, Tim, 2010 Look of the winter games, How, 25(1): 78-85.

ROMERO, A.M., 2010 Inuit and Aboriginal Collections of the Confluence Museum, Connaissance des Arts, 682: 23-30.

Économie / Economy

DANA, Leo Paul, 2010 Nunavik, Arctic Quebec: Where cooperatives supplement entrepreneurship, Global Business and Economics Review, 12(1-2): 42-71.

GOLDHAR, Christina, James D. FORD, Lea BERRANG-FORD, 2010 Prevalence of food insecurity in a Greenlandic community and the importance of social, economic and environmental stressors, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 69(3): 285-304.

HAMILTON, Lawrence C., Rasmus Ole RASMUSSEN, 2010 Population, sex ratios and development in Greenland, Arctic, 63(1): 43-52.

MORIN, Alexandre, Roberson ÉDOUARD, Gérard DUHAIME, 2010 Beyond the harsh. Objective and subjective living conditions in Nunavut, Polar Record, 46(237): 97-112.

Éducation / Education

LEWTHWAITE, Brian, Barbara MCMILLAN, 2010 “She can bother me, and that’s because she cares”: What Inuit students say about teaching and their learning, Canadian Journal of Education, 33(1): 140-175.

LEWTHWAITE, Brian et al., 2010 Combining the Views of “Both Worlds”: Science Education in Nunavut “Piqusiit Tamainik Katisugit”, Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 98: 1-71.

Environnement / Environment

FERGUSON, Steven H., 2010 Inuit, polar bears, and sustainable use: Local national and international perspectives, Human Ecology, 38(3): 463-465.

GEARHEARD, S. et al., 2010 Linking Inuit knowledge and meteorological station observations to understand changing wind patterns at Clyde River, Nunavut, Climatic Change, 100(2): 267-294.

PEARCE, T. et al., 2010 Inuit vulnerability and adaptive capacity to climate change in Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories, Canada, Polar Record, 46(237): 157-177.

Linguistique / Linguistics

COMPTON, R., C. PITTMAN, 2010 Word-formation by phase in Inuit, Lingua, 120(9): 2167-2192.

IKUTA, H., 2010 Eskimo Language and Eskimo Song in Alaska: A Sociolinguistics of Deglobalisation in Endangered Language, Pragmatics, 20(2): 171-189.

Politique / Politics

NICOL, Heather N., 2010 Reframing Sovereignty: Indigenous Peoples and Arctic States, Political Geography, 29(2): 78-80.

POWELL, Richard C., 2010 Lines of Possession? The Anxious Constitution of a Polar Geopolitics?, Political Geography, 29(2): 74-77.

TREMBLAY, Manon, 2010 Bilan des reformes électorales au Canada: Quelle place pour les femmes?, Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 43(1): 25-47

Santé / Health

BJERREGAARD, Peter, 2010 Childhood Conditions and Education as Determinants of Adult Height and Obesity Among Greenland Inuit, American Journal of Human Biology, 22(3): 360-366.

BJERREGAARD, Peter, Charlotte JEPPESEN, 2010 Inuit Dietary Patterns in Modern Greenland, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 69(1): 13-24.

DOUGLAS, V.K., 2010 The Inuulitsivik Maternities: Culturally appropriate midwifery and epistemological accommodation, Nursing Inquiry, 17(2): 111-117.

EGELAND, G.M. et al., 2010 Food insecurity among Inuit preschoolers: Nunavut Inuit Child Health Survey, 2007-2008, Canadian Medical Association Journal, 182(3): 243-248.

LAUSTER, Nathanael, Frank TESTER, 2010 Culture as a problem in linking material inequality to health: On residential crowding in the Arctic, Health & Place, 16(3): 523-530.

LEGGE, S.S., 2010 Transportation and trauma: Dog-sledding and vertebral compression in Alaskan Eskimos, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 141(4): 632-637.

MacMILLAN, M.H. et al., 2010 The health of Canada’s Aboriginal children: Results from the First Nations and Inuit Regional Health Survey, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 69(2): 158-167.

PLUSQUELLEC, P. et al., 2010 The relation of environmental contaminants exposure to behavioral indicators in Inuit preschoolers in Arctic Quebec, Neurotoxicology, 31(1): 17-25.

SHARMA, S. et al., 2010 Assessing dietary intake in a population undergoing a rapid transition in diet and lifestyle: The Arctic Inuit in Nunavut, Canada, British Journal of Nutrition, 103(5): 749-759.

Savoirs traditionnels / Traditional knowledge

SCHMIDT, J.J., M. DOWSLEY, 2010 Hunting with Polar Bears: Problems with the Passive Properties of the Commons, Human Ecology, 38(3): 377-387.

Spiritualité / Spirituality

HARLOW, Randall, 2010 The Church of Greenland and the Inuit organ tradition, The American organist, 44(1): 66-69.

STONE, Thomas, 2010 Making Law for the Spirits: Angakkuit, Revelation and Rulemaking in the Canadian Arctic, Numen, 57(2): 127-153.