Article body
Anthropologie / Anthropology
CRUIKSHANK, Julie, 2012 Are glaciers ‘good to think with’? Recognising indigenous environmental knowledge, Anthropological Forum, 22(3): 239-250.
DOLITSKY, Alexander B., 2012 A Critical Review of the Traditional Narratives of Chukotka and Kamchatka, Sibirica: Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies, 11(3): 20-55.
DOMBROWSKI, Kirk, Bilal KHAN, Emily CHANNELL, Joshua MOSES, Kate McLEAN, Evan MISSHULA, 2013 Kinship, family, and exchange in a Labrador Inuit community, Arctic Anthropology, 50(1): 89-104.
DORAIS, Louis-Jacques, Valérie CERE, 2012 Quelques aspects du contact culturel dans la région du Détroit de Belle Isle (Canada), Journal de la Société des américanistes, 98(2): 141-166.
FARISH, Matthew, 2013 The lab and the land: Overcoming the Arctic in Cold War Alaska, Isis, 104(1): 1-29.
FIENUP-RIORDAN, Ann, 2012 Water: The Gift of a Good Question, Arctic Anthropology, 49(2): 201-212.
FRIESEN, T. Max, 2012 The importance of reading Ernest: Applying Burch’s study of interregional interaction to Inuvialuit ethnohistory, Arctic Anthropology, 49(2): 29-40.
GANLEY, Matthew L., Polly C. WHEELER, 2012 The place not yet subjugated: Prince William Sound, 1770-1800, Arctic Anthropology, 49(2): 113-127.
GENDRON, Renée, Charlotte HILLE, 2013 Conflict Resolution Practices of Arctic Aboriginal Peoples, Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 30(3): 347-367.
HILL, Erica, 2012 The Nonempirical Past: Enculturated Landscapes and Other-than-Human Persons in Southwest Alaska, Arctic Anthropology, 49(2): 41-57.
KAN, Sergei, 2013 Individuals and groups of mixed Russian-native parentage in Siberia, Russian America, and Alaska, Ethnohistory, 60(3): 351-361.
KRUPNIK, Igor, 2012 The 50-Year Arctic Career of Ernest S. Burch, Jr.: A Personal Ethnohistory, 1960-2010, Arctic Anthropology, 49(2): 10-28.
LAUGRAND, Frédéric B., Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2013 “We’re Back with Our Ancestors” - Inuit bowhead whaling in the Canadian Eastern Arctic, Anthropos, 108(2): 431-443.
MAGER, Karen H., 2012 “I’d be foolish to tell you they were caribou”: Local knowledge of historical interactions between reindeer and caribou in Barrow, Alaska, Arctic Anthropology, 49(2): 162-181.
MASCHNER, Herbert D.G., Owen K. MASON, 2013 The bow and arrow in northern North America, Evolutionary Anthropology, 22(3): 133-138.
MASON, Owen K., 2012 Memories of warfare: Archaeology and oral history in assessing the conflict and alliance model of Ernest S. Burch, Arctic Anthropology, 49(2): 72-93.
MUSTONEN, Tero, Ari Aukusti LEHTINEN, 2013 Arctic earthviews: Cyclic passing of knowledge among the indigenous communities of the Eurasian north, Sibirica: Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies, 12(1): 39-55.
PRATT, Kenneth L., 2012 Reconstructing 19th-century Eskimo-Athabascan boundaries in the Unalakleet River drainage, Arctic Anthropology, 49(2): 94-112.
PULLAR, Gordon L., 2013 The Legacy of the Russian-American Company and the Implementation of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act in the Kodiak Island Area of Alaska, Ethnohistory, 60(3): 403-417.
SABLIN, Ivan, 2012 Chukotka: Transfer and Exchange in Northeastern Asia, 1900-1945, Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, 39(2): 219-248.
SALADIN D’ANGLURE, Bernard, 2012 Le «troisième genre», Revue du MAUSS, 39: 197-217.
SALADIN D’ANGLURE, Bernard, 2013 Naarjuk (Gros-ventre), l’enfant-géant, maître du cosmos (Sila). Que donne-t-il aux Inuit, et qu’en reçoit-il?, Revue du MAUSS, 42: 129-150.
SCHWEITZER, Peter P., Evgeniy V. GOLOVKO, Nikolai B. VAKHTIN, 2013 Mixed Communities in the Russian North; or, Why Are There No “Creoles” in Siberia?, Ethnohistory, 60(3): 419-438.
WHEELERSBURG, Robert P., 2012 On top of the world: Ernest S. Burch, Jr.’s contribution to the 1983 National Geographic Society Peoples of the Arctic map, Arctic Anthropology, 49(2): 128-142.
Archéologie / Archaeology
BEAUDOIN, Matthew A., 2013 A Hybrid Identity in a Pluralistic Nineteenth-Century Colonial Context, Historical Archaeology, 47(2): 45-63.
COOPER, H. Kory, 2012 Innovation and Prestige Among Northern Hunter-Gatherers: Late Prehistoric Native Copper Use in Alaska and Yukon, American Antiquity, 77(3): 565-590.
COOPER, H. Kory, Gabriel J. BOWEN, 2013 Metal Armor from St. Lawrence Island, Arctic Anthropology, 50(1): 1-19.
DARWENT, John, Owen K. MASON, John F. HOFFECKER, Christyann Marie DARWENT, 2013 1,000 years of house change at Cape Espenberg, Alaska: A case study in horizontal stratigraphy, American Antiquity, 78(3): 433-455.
GRØNNOW, Bjarne, 2012 The backbone of the Saqqaq culture: A study of the nonmaterial dimensions of the early Arctic small tool tradition, Arctic Anthropology, 49(2): 58-71.
HARRITT, Roger K., 2013 An archaeology of late prehistoric Eskimo bands in coastal northwest Alaska, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 32(4): 659-674.
HODGETTS, Lisa M., 2013 The rediscovery of HMS Investigator archaeology, sovereignty and the colonial legacy in Canada’s Arctic, Journal of Social Archaeology, 13(1): 80-100.
HODGETTS, Lisa M., 2013 Gendered Inuinnait (Copper Inuit) landscapes of Banks Island’s northern interior, Arctic Canada, 17th-20th centuries A.D., Journal of Field Archaeology, 38(1): 54-68.
HOFFECKER, John F., Owen K. MASON, Scott A. ELIAS, Diane K. HANSON, Claire ALIX, Georgeanne Lewis REYNOLDS, Karlene B. LEEPER, 2012 Uivvaq: A stratified Iñupiaq occupation at Cape Lisburne, northwest Alaska, Alaska Journal of Anthropology, 10(1-2): 143-172.
HOLLESEN, Jørgen, Jan Bruun JENSEN, Henning MATTHIESEN, Bo ELBERLING, Hans LANGE, Morten MELDGAARD, 2012 The Future Preservation of a Permanently Frozen Kitchen Midden in Western Greenland, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, 14(1-4): 159-168.
JENSEN, Anne M., 2012 The material culture of Iñupiat whaling: An ethnographic and ethnohistorical perspective, Arctic Anthropology, 49(2): 143-161.
MacKAY, Glen, Adrian L. BURKE, Gilles GAUTHIER, Charles D. ARNOLD, 2013 Mackenzie Inuit Lithic Raw Material Procurement in the Lower Mackenzie Valley: The Importance of Social Factors, Arctic, 66(4): 483-499.
MacRAE, Ian J., 2013 How Are We to Imagine Them?: Shamanism, Structuralism and the Zoomorphic Series in Dorset Carving, Anthropologica, 55(1): 177-196.
MILNE, S. Brooke, Robert W. PARK, Douglas R. STENTON, 2012 Dorset Culture Land Use Strategies and the Case of Inland Southern Baffin Island, Canadian Journal of Archaeology, 36(2): 267-288.
PITULKO, Vladimir V., Elena Y. PAVLOVA, Pavel A. NIKOLSKIY, Varvara V. IVANOVA, 2012 The oldest art of the Eurasian Arctic: personal ornaments and symbolic objects from Yana RHS, Arctic Siberia, Antiquity, 86(333): 642-659.
RYAN, Karen, Janet YOUNG, 2013 Identification of a Probable Aarnguaq in a Sadlermiut Grave from Native Point, Southampton Island, Nunavut, Canada, Arctic Anthropology, 50(1): 20-48.
BERTRAND, Karine, 2013 Cinéma inuit et post-colonialisme: la revendication de la parole des femmes dans le film Le jour avant le lendemain (2008) de Marie-Hélène Cousineau et Madeleine Ivalu, Studies in French Cinema, 13(3): 197-213.
BUIS, Alena, Sarah E.K. SMITH, 2013 Sanaugait in Nunavut, Journal of Modern Craft, 6(2): 187-204.
PRINS, Harald E. L., Bunny McBRIDE, 2012 Upside down: Arctic realities and indigenous art, American Anthropologist, 114(2): 359-364.
Droit / Law
BAKER, Betsy, Sarah MOONEY, 2013 The legal status of Arctic sea ice in the United States and Canada, Polar Geography, 36(1-2): 86-104.
CARLSON, Jon D., Christopher HUBACH, Joseph LONG, Kellen MINTEER, Shane YOUNG, 2013 Scramble for the Arctic: Layered Sovereignty, UNCLOS, and Competing Maritime Territorial Claims, SAIS Review of International Affairs, 33(2): 21-43.
MORIN, Françoise, 2013 Les droits de la Terre-Mère et le bien vivre, ou les apports des peuples autochtones face à la détérioration de la planète, Revue du MAUSS, 42: 321-338.
ROBINSON, Julie, Mark C. POWER, 2013 Constitutionnalité de dispositions conférant un statut, des privilèges et des droits à une langue minoritaire: Le cas singulier du Nunavut et de sa loi sur la protection de la langue inuit, McGill Law Journal, 58(3): 519-571.
Économie / Economy
CAINE, Ken J., 2013 Bourdieu in the North: Practical Understanding In Natural Resource Governance, Canadian Journal of Sociology, 38(3): 333-358.
ÉDOUARD, Roberson, Gérard DUHAIME, 2013 Well-Being of the Canadian Arctic Inuit: The Relevant Weight of Economy in the Happiness Equations, Social Indicators Research, 113(1): 373-392.
LAJEUNESSE, Adam, 2013 The New Economics of North American Arctic Oil, American Review of Canadian Studies, 43(1): 107-122.
MEDALYE, Jacqueline, Ryan FOSTER, 2012 Climate change and the capitalist state in the Canadian Arctic: Interrogating Canada’s ‘northern strategy’, Studies in Political Economy, 90: 87-114.
MILLER, Mark M., James E. ROWE, 2013 Nunavut: A Potential New Model for Economic Development, Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, 19(1): 121-153.
OZKAN, Umut Riza, Stephan SCHOTT, 2013 Sustainable development and capabilities for the polar region, Social Indicators Research, 114(3): 1259-1283.
ROTHWELL, Donald R., 2012 International Straits and Trans-Arctic Navigation, Ocean Development and International Law, 43(3): 267-282.
Éducation / Education
EPOO, Brenda, Jennie STONIER, Vicki VAN WAGNER, Evelyn HARNEY, 2012 Learning Midwifery in Nunavik: Community-Based Education for Inuit Midwives, Pimatisiwin: A Journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous Community Health, 10(3): 283-299.
JESTER, Timothy E., Leititia H. FICKEL, 2013 Cross-Cultural Field Experiences in Alaska Native Villages: Implications for Culturally Responsive Teacher Education, Teacher Educator, 48(3): 185-200.
JONES, Anne, Charles SALINAS, 2013 Educational Poverties in Alaska: Teachers’ Perspectives, Current Issues in Education, 16(1): 1-10.
McGREGOR, Heather E., 2012 Curriculum Change in Nunavut: Towards Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit, McGill Journal of Education, 47(3): 285-302.
McGREGOR, Heather E., 2013 Situating Nunavut Education with Indigenous Education in Canada, Canadian Journal of Education, 36(2): 87-118.
McMILLAN, Barbara, 2013 Inuit Legends, Oral Histories, Art, and Science in the Collaborative Development of Lessons that Foster Two-Way Learning: The Return of the Sun in Nunavut, Interchange: A Quarterly Review of Education, 43(2): 129-145.
PATRICK, Donna, Gabriele BUDACH, Igah MUCKPALOO, 2013 Multiliteracies and family language policy in an urban Inuit community, Language Policy, 12(1): 47-62.
ROSS, Betty M. E. “Liz”, Denise WARTES, 2013 The Impact of Corporations on Educating Youth: A Study of the Rural Alaska Honors Institute, International Journal of Education Research, 8(1): 140-150.
Environnement / Environment
FIDLER, Courtney, Bram F. NOBLE, 2013 Advancing regional strategic environmental assessment in Canada’s Western Arctic: Implementation opportunities and challenges, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 15(1): 1350007-1380000.
FORD, James D., Graham McDOWELL, Jamal SHIRLEY, Mike PITRE, Richard SIEWIERSKI, William GOUGH, Frank DUERDEN, Tristan PEARCE, Peter ADAMS, Sara STATHAM, 2013 The Dynamic Multiscale Nature of Climate Change Vulnerability: An Inuit Harvesting Example, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(5): 1193-1211.
HASTRUP, Kirsten, 2013 The ice as argument: topographical mementos in the High Arctic, Cambridge Anthropology, 31(1): 51-67.
HASTRUP, Kirsten, 2013 Scales of attention in fieldwork: Global connections and local concerns in the Arctic, Ethnography, 14(2): 145-164.
NIELSEN, Martin Reinhardt, Henrik MEILBY, 2013 Quotas on narwhal (Monodon monoceros) hunting in East Greenland: Trends in narwhal killed per hunter and potential impacts of regulations on Inuit communities, Human Ecology, 41(2): 187-203.
PEARCE, Tristan, James FORD, Amanda CARON, Bill KUDLAK, 2013 Climate change adaptation planning in remote, resource-dependent communities: An Arctic example, Regional Environmental Change, 12(4): 825-837.
SCHREIBER, Dorothee, 2013 Immobilizing Polar Bears/Inuit: Productivity and Interspecies Wildlife Management in the Canadian Arctic, Anthropologica, 55(1): 157-176.
SOWA, Frank, 2013 Indigenous Peoples and the Institutionalization of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Greenland, Arctic Anthropology, 50(1): 72-88.
YOUNG, Oran R., 2012 Arctic Stewardship: Maintaining Regional Resilience in an Era of Global Change, Ethics and International Affairs, 26(4): 407-420.
Géographie / Geography
DRUCKENMILLER, Matthew L., Hajo EICKEN, J.C. “Craig” GEORGE, Lewis BROWER, 2013 Trails to the whale: reflections of change and choice on an Iñupiat icescape at Barrow, Alaska, Polar Geography, 36(1-2): 5-29.
EISNER, Wendy R., Kenneth M. HINKEL, Chris J. CUOMO, Richard A. BECK, 2013 Environmental, cultural, and social change in Arctic Alaska as observed by Iñupiat elders over their lifetimes: A GIS synthesis, Polar Geography, 36(3): 221-232.
Histoire / History
MANCALL, Peter C., 2013 The Raw and the Cold: Five English Sailors in Sixteenth-Century Nunavut, William and Mary Quarterly, 70(1): 3-40.
McCORRISTINE, Shane, 2013 Searching for Franklin: A contemporary Canadian ghost story, British Journal of Canadian Studies, 26(1): 39-58.
Linguistique / Linguistics
COUNCELLER, April, 2012 A Decade of Language Revitalization: Kodiak Alutiiq on the Brink of Revolution, Journal of American Indian Education, 51(3): 15-29.
HALPERN, Mark, 2013 Do Eskimo Languages Have Words?, Vocabula Review, 15(8): 1-6.
LEONARD, Stephen Pax, 2013 Phenomenology of speech in a cold place: The Polar Eskimo language as “lived experience”, International Journal of Language Studies, 7(1): 151-174.
Politique / Politics
DANIELSEN, Jens Hartig, 2013 Self-Government and the Constitution: Greenland within the Danish State, European Public Law, 19(4): 619-641.
JOHNSTON, Peter, 2012 Arctic energy resources: Security and environmental implications, Journal of Strategic Security, 5(3): 13-32.
KESKITALO, E. Carina, 2012 Setting the Agenda on the Arctic: Whose Policy Frames the Region?, Brown Journal of World Affairs, 19(1): 155-164.
LAJEUNESSE, Adam, 2013 A very practical requirement: Under-ice operations in the Canadian Arctic, 1960-1986, Cold War History, 13(4): 507-524.
LASSERRE, Frédéric, 2013 Enjeux géopolitiques et géoéconomiques contemporains en Arctique, Géoéconomie, 65: 135-152.
STRANDSBJERG, Jeppe, 2012 Cartopolitics, geopolitics and boundaries in the Arctic, Geopolitics, 17(4): 818-842.
WILSON, Gary N., Christopher ALCANTARA, 2012 Mixing Politics and Business in the Canadian Arctic: Inuit Corporate Governance in Nunavik and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Canadian Journal of Political Science, 45(4): 781-804.
YOUNG, Oran R., 2012 Arctic Politics in an Era of Global Change, Brown Journal of World Affairs, 19(1): 165-178.
JOHNSON, Noor, 2012 ‘Healing the Land’ in the Canadian Arctic: Evangelism, Knowledge, and Environmental Change, Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 6(3): 300-318.
LAUGRAND, Frédéric B., 2012 Sedna crucifiée. Les Inuits et la part animique du christianisme, Théologiques, 20(1-2): 453-477.
Santé / Health
BJERREGAARD, Peter, Marit E. JØRGENSEN, 2013 Prevalence of obesity among Inuit in Greenland and temporal trend by social position, American journal of human biology, 25(3): 335-340.
CHATWOOD, Susan, Peter BJERREGAARD, T. Kue YOUNG, 2012 Global Health - A Circumpolar Perspective, American Journal of Public Health, 102(7): 1246-1249.
CHRISTENSEN, Ivan Lind, Søren RUD, 2013 Arctic Neurasthenia - The Case of Greenlandic Kayak Fear 1864-1940, Social History of Medicine, 26(3): 489-509.
JEPPESEN, Charlotte, Peter BJERREGAARD, 2012 Consumption of traditional food and adherence to nutrition recommendations in Greenland, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 40(5): 475-481.
KELLETT, Samantha, Paul POIRIER, Eric DEWAILLY, Hugues SAMPASA, Marie-Ludivine CHATEAU-DEGAT, 2012 Is severe obesity a cardiovascular health concern in the Inuit population?, American Journal of Human Biology, 24(4): 441-445.
KRAL, Michael J., 2013 ‘The Weight on Our Shoulders Is Too Much, and We Are Falling’, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 27(1): 63-83.
LARSEN, Christina Viskum Lytken, Tine CURTIS, Peter BJERREGAARD, 2013 Gambling Behavior and Problem Gambling Reflecting Social Transition and Traumatic Childhood Events Among Greenland Inuit: A Cross-Sectional Study in a Large Indigenous Population Undergoing Rapid Change, Journal of Gambling Studies, 29(4): 733-748.
MAMELUND, Svenn-Erik, Lisa SATTENSPIEL, Jessica DIMKA, 2013 Influenza-Associated Mortality during the 1918-1919 Influenza Pandemic in Alaska and Labrador, Social Science History, 37(2): 177-229.
MEAD, Erin L., Joel GITTELSOHN, Cindy ROACHE, André CORRIVEAU, Sangita SHARMA, 2013 A Community-Based, Environmental Chronic Disease Prevention Intervention to Improve Healthy Eating Psychosocial Factors and Behaviors in Indigenous Populations in the Canadian Arctic, Health Education and Behavior, 40(5): 592-602.
O’KEEFE, Victoria M., LaRicka R. WINGATE, 2013 The Role of Hope and Optimism in Suicide Risk for American Indians/Alaska Natives, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 43(6): 621-633.
PATTEN, Christi A., Oluwole FADAHUNSI, Marcelo HANZA, Christina M. SMITH, Christine A. HUGHES, Tabetha A. BROCKMAN, Rahnia BOYER, Paul A. DECKER, Elizabeth LUGER, Pamela S. SINICROPE, Kenneth P. OFFORD, 2013 Development of a tobacco cessation intervention for Alaska Native youth, Addiction Research and Theory, 21(4): 273-284.
SHAW, Jennifer L., Renee ROBINSON, Helene STARKS, Wylie BURKE, Denise A. DILLARD, 2012 Risk, Reward, and the Double-Edged Sword: Perspectives on Pharmacogenetic Research and Clinical Testing Among Alaska Native People, American Journal of Public Health, 103(12): 2220-2225.
SNODGRASS, J. Josh, 2013 Health of Indigenous Circumpolar Populations, Annual Review of Anthropology, 42: 69-87.
WEST, Kathleen M., Scarlett E. HOPKINS, Kim J. HOPPER, Gerald V. MOHATT, Bert B. BOYER, 2013 Found in translation: Decoding local understandings of genetics and heredity in a Yup’ik Eskimo community, Public Understanding of Science, 22(1): 80-90.
WEXLER, Lisa, Joshua MOSES, Kim HOPPER, Linda JOULE, Joseph GAROUTTE, 2013 Central Role of Relatedness in Alaska Native Youth Resilience: Preliminary Themes from One Site of the Circumpolar Indigenous Pathways to Adulthood (CIPA) Study, American Journal of Community Psychology, 52(3/4) : 393-405.
Tourisme / Tourism
de la BARRE, Suzanne, Patrick BROUDER, 2013 Consuming stories: Placing food in the Arctic tourism experience, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 8(2-3): 213-223.
GRIMWOOD, Bryan S.R., Nancy C. DOUBLEDAY, 2013 Illuminating traces: enactments of responsibility in practices of Arctic river tourists and inhabitants, Journal of Ecotourism, 12(2): 53-74.