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Thomas, Gérald. "BUTLER, Gary R., Saying Isn't Believing. Conversation, Narrative and the Discourse of Belief in a French Newfoundland Community. St. John's, ISER [Institute of Social and Economc Research], Memorial University of Newfoundland, coll. “Social and Economic Studies”, no 42,1991. xiv-200 p. 24,95 $." Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, volume 46, number 2, fall 1992, p. 296–298.
Thomas, G. (1992). Review of [BUTLER, Gary R., Saying Isn't Believing. Conversation, Narrative and the Discourse of Belief in a French Newfoundland Community. St. John's, ISER [Institute of Social and Economc Research], Memorial University of Newfoundland, coll. “Social and Economic Studies”, no 42,1991. xiv-200 p. 24,95 $]. Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, 46(2), 296–298.
- Chicago
Thomas, Gérald "BUTLER, Gary R., Saying Isn't Believing. Conversation, Narrative and the Discourse of Belief in a French Newfoundland Community. St. John's, ISER [Institute of Social and Economc Research], Memorial University of Newfoundland, coll. “Social and Economic Studies”, no 42,1991. xiv-200 p. 24,95 $". Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française 46, no. 2 (1992) : 296–298.
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