In recent years, massive open online courses (MOOCs) have gained popularity with learners and providers, and thus MOOC providers have started to further enhance the use of MOOCs through recommender systems. This paper is a systematic literature review on the use of recommender systems for MOOCs, examining works published between January 1, 2012 and July 12, 2019 and, to the best of our knowledge, it is the first of its kind. We used Google Scholar, five academic databases (IEEE, ACM, Springer, ScienceDirect, and ERIC) and a reference chaining technique for this research. Through quantitative analysis, we identified the types and trends of research carried out in this field. The research falls into three major categories: (a) the need for recommender systems, (b) proposed recommender systems, and (c) implemented recommender systems. From the literature, we found that research has been conducted in seven areas of MOOCs: courses, threads, peers, learning elements, MOOC provider/teacher recommender, student performance recommender, and others. To date, the research has mostly focused on the implementation of recommender systems, particularly course recommender systems. Areas for future research and implementation include design of practical and scalable online recommender systems, design of a recommender system for MOOC provider and teacher, and usefulness of recommender systems.
- recommender system,
- massive open online course,
- systematic review,
- implemented recommender system
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