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Vinay, Jean-Paul. "The Incorporated Linguist. The Journal of the Institute of Linguists. Published in January, April, July, and October; annual subscription : 30s. Post free. Editor : S. C. Cave, c/o The Institue of Linguists, 3 Craven hill, London, W. 2, England." Journal des traducteurs / Translators' Journal, volume 7, number 4, 4e trimestre 1962, p. 140–141.
Vinay, J.-P. (1962). Review of [The Incorporated Linguist. The Journal of the Institute of Linguists. Published in January, April, July, and October; annual subscription : 30s. Post free. Editor : S. C. Cave, c/o The Institue of Linguists, 3 Craven hill, London, W. 2, England]. Journal des traducteurs / Translators' Journal, 7(4), 140–141.
- Chicago
Vinay, Jean-Paul "The Incorporated Linguist. The Journal of the Institute of Linguists. Published in January, April, July, and October; annual subscription : 30s. Post free. Editor : S. C. Cave, c/o The Institue of Linguists, 3 Craven hill, London, W. 2, England". Journal des traducteurs / Translators' Journal 7, no. 4 (1962) : 140–141.
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