
Sharing the Land at Moose Factory in 1763

  • John S. Long,
  • Richard J. Preston,
  • Katrina Srigley and
  • Lorraine Sutherland

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  • John S. Long
    Nipissing University

  • Richard J. Preston
    McMaster University

  • Katrina Srigley
    Nipissing University

  • Lorraine Sutherland
    Attawapiskat First Nation

Editorial note by Richard J. Preston, Katrina Srigley, and Lorraine Sutherland: In February 2016, we lost John Long, our dear friend, colleague, and mentor. In the last months of his life, John tasked us with finalizing this article, certain our shared interests, and diverse perspectives, knowledge and skills would strengthen it and ensure its completion. We were heartbroken and honoured to do this work together. As always, we learned from John during this last collaboration together. Through this article, and his other award-winning publications, we know readers will continue to benefit from his knowledge and understanding of Mushkegowuk territory developed over decades spent learning with, sharing and advocating alongside the Mushkegowuk. Mushkegowuk means the people in the language of the territory.

Cover of Volume 109, Number 2, Fall 2017, pp. 167-292, Ontario History

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