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Margolis, Justin. "RICKY VAN OERS, EVA ERSBØLL AND DORA KOSTAKOPOULOU, A RE-DEFINITION OF BELONGING? LANGUAGE AND INTEGRATION TESTS IN EUROPE, LEIDEN, MARTINUS NIJHOFF PUBLISHERS, 2010." Revue québécoise de droit international / Quebec Journal of International Law / Revista quebequense de derecho internacional, volume 24, number 2, 2011, p. 257–260.
Margolis, J. (2011). Review of [RICKY VAN OERS, EVA ERSBØLL AND DORA KOSTAKOPOULOU, A RE-DEFINITION OF BELONGING? LANGUAGE AND INTEGRATION TESTS IN EUROPE, LEIDEN, MARTINUS NIJHOFF PUBLISHERS, 2010]. Revue québécoise de droit international / Quebec Journal of International Law / Revista quebequense de derecho internacional, 24(2), 257–260.
- Chicago
Margolis, Justin "RICKY VAN OERS, EVA ERSBØLL AND DORA KOSTAKOPOULOU, A RE-DEFINITION OF BELONGING? LANGUAGE AND INTEGRATION TESTS IN EUROPE, LEIDEN, MARTINUS NIJHOFF PUBLISHERS, 2010". Revue québécoise de droit international / Quebec Journal of International Law / Revista quebequense de derecho internacional 24, no. 2 (2011) : 257–260.
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