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Taylor, John. "Ivonoffski, Vrenia and Campbell, Sandra, eds. Exploring Our Heritage: The Ottawa Valley Experience: Proceedings of a Heritage Festival, Arnprior, October 21-22, 1978. Toronto, 1980. Available from Ontario Government Bookstore, 880 Bay Street, Toronto, M7A 1Y7." Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, volume 10, number 2, october 1981, p. 62–62.
Taylor, J. (1981). Review of [Ivonoffski, Vrenia and Campbell, Sandra, eds. Exploring Our Heritage: The Ottawa Valley Experience: Proceedings of a Heritage Festival, Arnprior, October 21-22, 1978. Toronto, 1980. Available from Ontario Government Bookstore, 880 Bay Street, Toronto, M7A 1Y7]. Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, 10(2), 62–62.
- Chicago
Taylor, John "Ivonoffski, Vrenia and Campbell, Sandra, eds. Exploring Our Heritage: The Ottawa Valley Experience: Proceedings of a Heritage Festival, Arnprior, October 21-22, 1978. Toronto, 1980. Available from Ontario Government Bookstore, 880 Bay Street, Toronto, M7A 1Y7". Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine 10, no. 2 (1981) : 62–62.
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