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Killan, Gerald. "Wright, John Ross. Urban Parks in Ontario. Part I: Origins to 1860. Ottawa: 1983. Designed by Media Production Services, University of Ottawa. Pp. x, 109. Illustrations, maps, tables / Wright, John Ross. Urban Parks in Ontario. Part II: The Public Park Movement 1860-1914. Ottawa: 1984. Designed by Media Production Services, University of Ottawa. Pp. xiv, 220. Illustrations, maps, tables. Copies available from Ontario Government Bookstore, 880 Bay St., Toronto. $5.00 payable to Treasurer of Ontario." Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, volume 15, number 1, june 1986, p. 106–107.
Killan, G. (1986). Review of [Wright, John Ross. Urban Parks in Ontario. Part I: Origins to 1860. Ottawa: 1983. Designed by Media Production Services, University of Ottawa. Pp. x, 109. Illustrations, maps, tables / Wright, John Ross. Urban Parks in Ontario. Part II: The Public Park Movement 1860-1914. Ottawa: 1984. Designed by Media Production Services, University of Ottawa. Pp. xiv, 220. Illustrations, maps, tables. Copies available from Ontario Government Bookstore, 880 Bay St., Toronto. $5.00 payable to Treasurer of Ontario]. Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, 15(1), 106–107.
- Chicago
Killan, Gerald "Wright, John Ross. Urban Parks in Ontario. Part I: Origins to 1860. Ottawa: 1983. Designed by Media Production Services, University of Ottawa. Pp. x, 109. Illustrations, maps, tables / Wright, John Ross. Urban Parks in Ontario. Part II: The Public Park Movement 1860-1914. Ottawa: 1984. Designed by Media Production Services, University of Ottawa. Pp. xiv, 220. Illustrations, maps, tables. Copies available from Ontario Government Bookstore, 880 Bay St., Toronto. $5.00 payable to Treasurer of Ontario". Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine 15, no. 1 (1986) : 106–107.
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