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Stone, Daniel. "Morrison, Daniel., "Trading Peasants" and Urbanization in Eighteenth-Century Russia: The Central Industrial Region. Garland Series of Outstanding Dissertations, William H. McNeill, Gen. Ed., New York and London: Garland, 1987. Pp. 415." Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, volume 18, number 3, february 1990, p. 262–262.
Stone, D. (1990). Review of [Morrison, Daniel., "Trading Peasants" and Urbanization in Eighteenth-Century Russia: The Central Industrial Region. Garland Series of Outstanding Dissertations, William H. McNeill, Gen. Ed., New York and London: Garland, 1987. Pp. 415]. Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, 18(3), 262–262.
- Chicago
Stone, Daniel "Morrison, Daniel., "Trading Peasants" and Urbanization in Eighteenth-Century Russia: The Central Industrial Region. Garland Series of Outstanding Dissertations, William H. McNeill, Gen. Ed., New York and London: Garland, 1987. Pp. 415". Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine 18, no. 3 (1990) : 262–262.
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