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Relations du travail / Labour Relations

The Causal Effect of Election Delay on Union Win Rates: Instrumental Variable Estimates from Two Natural Experiments, Chris Riddell, Industrial Relations, 49 (3), July 2010, 371–386.

The Impact of Union Experience on Job Satisfaction, Benjamin Artz, Industrial Relations, 49 (3), July 2010, 387–405.

Why do contingent workers join a trade union? Evidence from the Irish telecommunications sector, Robert MacKenzie, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 16 (2), June 2010, 153–168.

The American Federation of Teachers in the Middle East: Teacher Training as Labor Imperialism, Mayssoun Sukariek and Stuart Tannock, Labor Studies Journal, 35 (2), June 2010, 180–197.

Local Union Strategies in Cross-Border Alliances: From Defensive Isolation to Proactive Solidarity, Christian Lévesque and Gregor Murray, Labor Studies Journal, 35 (2), June 2010, 222–245.

The work-life balance strategies of USDAW: mobilising collective voice, Fiona O’Brien-Smith and Mike Righy, Industrial Relations Journal, 41 (3), 2010, 206–217.

The removal of workplace partnership in the UK Civil Service: A trade union perspective, Douglas Martin, Industrial Relations Journal, 41 (3), 2010, 218–232.

Ownership, corporate governance and industrial relations in the banking and telecommunications sectors: The case of Greece, Stella Zambarloukou, Industrial Relations Journal, 41 (3), 2010, 233–248.

Better than Nothing? Is Non-Union Partnership a Contradiction in Terms? Stewart Johnstone, Peter Ackers and Adrian Wikinson, Journal of Industrial Relations, 52 (2), April 2010, 151–168.

“Comprehensive Campaigning” in the NSW Transport Industry: Bridging the Divide between Regulation and Union Organizing, Sarah Kaine and Michael Rawling, Journal of Industrial Relations, 52 (2), April 2010, 183–200.

Employer responses to union organising: patterns and effects, Edmund Heery and Melanie Simms, Human Resource Management Journal, 20 (1), January 2010, 3–22.

Employee voice: does union membership matter? John Benson and Michelle Brown, Human Resource Management Journal, 20 (1), January 2010, 80–99.

The Long Haul Effects of Interest Arbitration: The Case of New York State’s Taylor Law, Thomas Kochan, David B. Lipky, Mary Newhart, and Alan Benson, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (4), 565–584.

First Contract Arbitration: Effects on Bargaining on Work Stoppages, Susan J. T. Johnson, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (4), 585–605.

Droit du travail / Labour Law

Le droit comme moyen de pression… politique : le cas des rapports collectifs de travail, Christian Brunelle, Revue Générale de Droit, 40 (1), 2010, 9–44.

Special Issue: Is There a Constitution Right to Strike in Canada? Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 15 (2), 2009–2010, 129–387. Is There a Constitution Right to Strike in Canada? Introduction, Brian Langille; The International Perspective: The Right to Strike in an International Context, Bob Heppel; ILO Law and the Right to Strike, Jean-Michel Servais; The Dramatic Implications of Demir and Baykara, K.D. Ewing and John Hendy. The Comparative Perspective: The South African Law of Strikes Viewed from the Perspective of B.C. Health, Dennis Davis; The Right to Strike under the United States Consitution: Theory, Practice, and Possible Implications for Canada, James Gray Pope; Judicial Development of Collective Labour Rights, Contextually, Guy Davidov; Exclusion Is Forever: How Keeping Labour Rights Separate from Constitutional Rights Has Proven To Be a Bad Deal for American Trade Unions and Constitutional Law, Alan Hyde. Freedom of Association, Charter Values, and Strikes: Can You Derive a Right to Strike from the Right to Freedom of Association?, Sheldon Leader; The Labour Trilogy’s Last Rites: B.C. Health and a Constitution Right to Strike, Jamie Cameron; Does Freedom of Association under the Charter Include the Right to Strike after B.C. Health? Prognosis, Problems and Concerns, Brian Etherington. History, Meaning, and Constitutionalization of a Right to Strike: The Freedom to Strike in Canada: A Brief Legal History, Judy Fudge and Eric Tucker; What Is a Strike? Brian Langille; Constitutionalizing the Right of Workers to Organize, Bargain and Strike: The Sight of One Shoulder Shrugging, Harry Arthurs.

Travailleurs pauvres et syndicalisme – L’exemple américain, Didier Gelot, Droit social, 6, Juin 2010, 615–622.

Les groupes de sociétés et le droit du travail, Bernard Teyssié, Droit social, 7/8, Juillet-Août 2010, 735–737.

Le déploiement de la relation de travail dans les groupes de sociétés. Aspects de droit du travail, Droit social, 7/8, Juillet-Août 2010, 738–747.

La négociation collective dans les groupes de sociétés, Jean-François Cesaro, Droit social, 7/8, Juillet-Août 2010, 780–788.

Les relations collectives de travail dans les groupes de sociétés à caractère transnational, Droit social, 7/8, Juillet-Août 2010, 789–800.

Imagining Post « Geneva Consensus » Labor Law for Post « Washington Consensus » Development, Brian Langille, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 31 (3), Spring 2010, 523–552.

Putting the Record Straight About International Labor Standard Setting, Anne Trebilcock, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 31 (3), Spring 2010, 553–570.

Promoting Fundamental Labor Rights through International Framework Agreements: Practical Outcomes and Present Challenges, Renée-Claude Drouin, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 31 (3), Spring 2010, 591–636.

Objectionable Work: Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 31 (3), Spring 2010, xi–510. Introduction to “Objectionable Work”, Conscientious Objection in Japan, Tadashi Hanami; Objectionable Work in Germany, Rolf Wank; Objectionable Work in Israel, Amir Paz-Fuchs; Consciencious Objection in the Workplace: Some Reflections Based on Spanish Jurisprudence, Esther Sanchez; An Employee’s Right Not to Obey Orders in the United States, Matthew W. Finkin; Consciencious Objection to Assigned Work Tasks: A Comment on Relations of Law and Culture, Roger Cotterrell.

Les pactes de non-concurrence après l’emploi aux États-Unis : cadre juridique et comportements sur le marché, Richard L. Hannah, Revue internationale du Travail, 149 (1), Mars 2010, 117–130.

Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations

Changing requirements and mental workload factors in mobile multi-locational work, Matti Vartiainen and Ursula Hyrkkänen, New Technology, Work and Employment, 25 (2), July 2010, 117–135.

Time, space and technology in the working-home: an unsettled nexus, Bjorn Nansen, Michael Arnold, Martin Gibbs and Hilary Davis, New Technology, Work and Employment, 25 (6), July 2010, 136–153.

Gérer les équipes virtuelles internationales : une question de proximité et de technologies, Héléna Karjalainen et Richard Soparnot, Gestion, 35 (2), Été 2010, 10–20.

Dossier : Gestion du temps de travail : de nouveaux défis. Gestion, 35 (2), Été 2010, 79–105. Introduction, Urwana Coiquaud; L’employé en période d’essai : quel encadrement juridique ? Urwana Coiquaud, La conciliation travail- famille : que prévoit la Loi sur les normes du travail au Québec?, Dalia Gesualdi-Fecteau; Internet et courrier électronique : le droit de regard de l’employeur, Sylvain Lefebvre et Geneviève Desgagnés; La surveillance vidéo : jusqu’où l’employeur peut-il aller ?, Jean-François Martin.

Learning transfer in multinational companies: explaining inter-organisation variation, Anthony McDonnell, Patrick Gunnigle and Jonathan Lavelle, Human Resource Management Journal, 20 (1), January 2010, 23–43.

High performance work system and collective OCB: a collective social exchange perspective, Yaping Gong, Song Chang and Siu-Yin Cheung, Human Resource Management Journal, 20 (2), April 2010, 119–137.

Exploring alternative relationships between perceived investment in employee development, perceived supervisor support and employee outcomes, Bard Huvaas and Anders Dysvik, Human Resource Management Journal, 20 (2), April 2010, 138–156.

The impact of supervisor – subordinate relationships on morale: implications for public and private sector nurses’ commitment, Yvonne Brunetto, Rod Farr-Wharton and Kate Shacklock, Human Resource Management Journal, 20 (2), April 2010, 206–224.

Employee involvement and group incentives in manufacturing companies: a multi-level analysis, Rhokeun Park, Eileen Appelbaum and Douglas Kruse, Human Resource Management Journal, 20 (3), July 2010, 227–243.

Modernising pay in the UK public services: trends and implications, Stephen J. Perkins and Geoff White, Human Resource Management Journal, 20 (3), July 2010, 244–257.

Absence management and presenteeism: The pressures on employees to attend work and the impact of attendance on performance, Denise Baker-McClearn, Kay Greasley, Jeremy Dale and Frances Griffith, Human Resource Management Journal, 20 (3), July 2010, 311–328.

What Is Best for Workers? The Implications of Workplace and Human Resource Management Practices Revisited, John Godard, Industrial Relations, 49 (3), July 2010, 466–488.

“Too scared to go sick” – reformulating the research agenda on sickness absence, Phil Taylor, Ian Cunningham, Kirsty Newsome and Dora Scholarios, Industrial Relations Journal, 41 (4), July 2010, 270–288.

Hourly versus Salaried Payment and Decisions about Trading Time and Money over Time, Sanford E. DeVoe, Byron Y. Lee, Jeffrey Pfeffer, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (4), 627–640.

Impact of Work Culture on Motivation Level of Employees in Selected Public Sector Companies in India, Smrita Sinha, Ajay Kr. Singh, Nisha Gupta and Rajul Dutt, Delhi Business Review, 11 (1), January-June 2010, 43–54.

Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work

Qui sont les travailleurs du Social? Nathalie Frigul et Pascal Depoorter, Les Mondes du Travail, 8, Printemps 2010, 19–26.

Les conseillers à l’emploi. Entre relation d’aide et normes gestionnaires, Lynda Lavitry, Les Mondes du Travail, 8, Printemps 2010, 39–50.

Construire le mérite dans la fonction publique d’État : l’exemple de la Culture (1880–1980), Odile Join-Lambert et Yves Lochard, Sociologie du Travail, 52 (2), Avril-Juin 2010, 151–171.

Scriptes de la démocratie : les sténographes et rédacteurs des débats (1848–2005), Delphine Gardey, Sociologie du travail, 52 (2), Avril-Juin 2010.

Academic Casualization in Australia: Class Divisions in the University, Tony Brown, James Goodman and Keiko Yasukawa, Journal of Industrial Relations, 52 (2), April 2010, 169–182.

Dossier spécial : Les dynamiques de soin transnationales. Entre émotions et considérations économiques, Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques, XLI (1), 2010, 1–105. Présentation. Les dynamiques de soin transnationales. Entre émotions et considérations économiques, Laura Merla et Loretta Baldassar; Ce « sentiment de culpabilité ». Réflexion sur la relation entre émotions et motivation dans les migrations et le soin transnational, Loretta Baldassar; La gestion des émotions dans le cadre du devoir filial. Le cas des migrants salvadoriens vivant en Australie occidentale, Laura Merla; Iron Curtain? Care, Desire and Emotional Conflict; Maria Vlcek; Internationalisation and Equality. The Contribution of Short Stay Mobility to Progression in Science Careers, Louise Ackers; Intimacy, Distance Relationship and Emotional Care, Mary Holmes.

Special Issue on European Perspectives on Job Insecurity, EID, 31 (2), May 2010, 175–280. Editorial introduction, Magnus Sverke, Hans De Witte, Katharina Näswall and Johnn Hellgren; Job insecurity, recovery and well-being at work: Recovery experiences as moderators, Ulla Kinnunen, Saija Mauno and Marjo Siltaloppi; Job insecurity influence on job performance and mental health: Testing the moderating effect of the need for closure, Antonio Chirumbolo, Alessandra Areni; The moderating role of employability in the association between job insecurity and exit, voice, loyalty and neglect, Erick Berntson, Katharina Näswall and Magnus Sverke; Examining occupational self-efficacy, work locus of control and communication as moderators of the job insecurity-job performance relationship, Cornelius J. König, Maike E. Debus, Stéphanie Häusler, Nora Lendenmann and Martin Kleinmann; The Role of organizational communication and participation in reducing job insecurity and its negative association with work-related well-being, Tinne Vander Elst, Elfi Baillien, Nele De Cuyper and Hans De Witte; Job insecurity and its relation to work-family conflict: Mediation with a longitudinal data set, Anne Richter, Katharina Näswall and Magnus Sverke.

Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security

Immigration of Nurses, David Kalist, Stephen Spurr and Tatsuma Wada, Industrial Relations, 49 (3), July 2010, 406–428.

Poverty, Legal Status, and Pay Basis: The Case of U.S. Agriculture, Anita Alves Pena, Industrial Relations, 49 (3), July 2010, 429–456.

Les systèmes de retraite en Europe, Arnauld d’Yvoire, Futuribles, 365, Juillet-Août 2010, 5–22.

Sectoral variation in collectively agreed employment protection: Evidence from Dutch flexicurity, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 16 (2), June 2010, 137–152.

The Role of Career Choice in Understanding Job Mobility, Ronni Pavan, Labour, 24 (2), June 2010, 107–127.

Minimum Wages and Trainers’ Dilemma, Kyota Eguchi, Labour, 24 (2), June 2010, 128–138.

Japan’s Employment Rate of Persons with Disabilities and Outcome of Employment Quota System, Tadashi Kudo, Japan Labor Review, 7 (2), Spring 2010, 5–25.

Japan’s Employment Measures for Persons with Disabilities: Centered on Quota System of “Act on Employment Promotion of Persons with Disabilities”, Tamako Hasegawa, Japan Labor Review, 7 (2), Spring 2010, 26–42.

How Should Minimum Wages be Set in Australia? Martin J. Watts, Journal of Industrial Relations, 52 (2), April 2010, 131–150.

Le travail autonome pendant le repli économique, Sébastien LaRochelle-Côté, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 22 (2), Été 2010, 7–17.

Revue du marché du travail en 2009, Jeannine Usalcas, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 22 (2), Été 2010, 18–29.

Concordance et non-concordance entre l’emploi et les études : écarts salariaux, Jennifer Yuen, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 22 (2), Été 2010, 30–42.

Les mises à pied au Canada, André Bernard et Diane Galarneau, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 22 (2), Été 2010, 43–56.

L’activité des femmes sur le marché du travail et les ralentissements économiques, Yuqian Lu et René Morissette, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 22 (2), Été 2010, 57–62.

Self-employment in the downturn, Sébastien LaRochelle-Côté, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 22 (2), Summer 2010, 5–14.

Labour market review 2009, Jeannive Usalcas, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 22 (2), Summer 2010, 15–25.

Job-education match and mismatch: Wage differentials, Jennifer Yuen, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 22 (2), Summer 2010, 26–36.

Layoffs in Canada, André Bernard and Diane Galarneau, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 22 (2), Summer 2010, 37–49.

Women’s participation and economic downturns, Yuqian Lu and René Morissette, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 22 (2), Summer 2010, 50–54.

Did Reducing Unionization Create More Flexible American Industries? Elisabetta Magnani and David Prentice, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (4), 662–680.

Différences de satisfaction au travail entre les travailleurs à salaire élevé et à bas salaire en Europe, Konstantinos Pouliakas et Ioannis Theodossiou, Revue internationale du Travail, 149 (1), Mars 2010, 1–32.

L’Asie est-elle sur la voie de la flexicurité? Paul Vandenberg, Revue internationale du Travail, 149 (1), Mars 2010, 33–64.

L’insécurité de l’emploi et ses conséquences pour les salariés : l’effet modérateur de la dépendance envers l’emploi, Beatriz Sora, Amparo Caballer et José Maria Peiro, Revue internationale du Travail, 149 (1), Mars 2010, 65–80.

Équité au travail / Equity at Work

Fighthing for Equal Treatment: How the UAW Won Domestic Partnership Benefits and Discrimination Protection for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Members, Monica Bielski Boris, Labor Studies Journal, 35 (2), June 2010, 157–180.

Gender-Compensation Differences among High-Level Executives in the United States, Fernando Munoz-Bullon, Industrial Relations, 49 (3), July 2010, 346–370.

Gender, choice and constraint in call centre employment, Dora Scholarios and Phil Taylor, New Technology, Work and Employment, 25 (2), July 2010, 101–116.

Gender and Globalization: Opportunities and Constraints Faced by Women in the Construction Industry in India, Bipasha Baruah, Labor Studies Journal, 35 (2), June 2010, 198–221.

Gendered observations and experiences in executive women’s work, Peter A. Murray and Jawad Syed, Human Resource Management Journal, 20 (3), July 2010, 277–293.

Negotiating fair pay and conditions: low paid women’s experience and perceptions of labour market deregulation and individual wage bargaining, Therese Jefferson and Alison Preston, Industrial Relations Journal, 41 (4), July 2010, 351–366.

Understanding the Gender Pay Gap: What’s Competition Got to Do with It? Alan Manning and Farzad Saidi, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (4), 681–688.

Representation of Women Faculty at Public Research Universities: Do Unions Matter?, Ann Mari May, Elizabeth A. Moorhouse and Jennifer A. Bossard, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (4), 699–718.

Études comparatives et mondialisation / Comparative Studies and Globalization

Workplace bullying, industrial relations and the challenge for management in Britain and Sweden, David Beale and Helge Hoel, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 16 (2), June 2010, 101–118.

Cross-border competition and trade union responses in the enlarged EU: Evidence from the automotive industry in Germany and Poland, Magdalena Bernaciak, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 16 (2), June 2010, 119–136.

Challenges of Upgrading: The Dynamics of East Central Europe’s Integration into the European Automotive Production Networks, Magdalena Bernaciak, Vera Scepanovic, Industrielle Beziehungen, 17 (2), 2010, 123–146.

Economic Interests, Company Values and Local Institutions: Shaping Soft Work Practices in a Multinational’s Subsidiaries in Western and Central Eastern Europe, Marion Kahancova, Industrielle Beziehungen, 17 (2), 2010, 170–191.

Special Edition on Comparative Studies of the Workplace, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 48 (2), June 2010, 231–435. The Importance of Comparative Workplace Employment Relations Studies, Alex Bryson and Carola Frege; Institutions and the Management of Human Resources: Incentive Pay Systems in France and Great Britain, David Marsden and Richard Belfield; Delivering Flexibility: Constrasting Patterns in the French and the UK Food Processing Industry, Eve Caroli, Jérôme Gautié, Caroline Lloyd, Annie Lamanthe and Susan James; International Differences in Wage Inequality: A New Glance with European Matched Employer-Employee Data, Hipolito Simon; Restructuring Managerial Labour in the USA, the UK and Japan: Challenging the Salience of “Varieties of Capitalism”, Leo McCann, John Hassard and Jonathan Morris; Collective Voice under Decentralized Bargaining: A Comparative Study of Work Reorganization in US and German Call Centres, Virginia Doellgast; Employer Strategies and Wages in New Service Activities: A Comparison of Co-ordinated and Liberal Market Economies, Rosemary Batt, Hiroatsu Nohara and Hyunji Kwon.

Trade union cross-border alliances within MNCs: disentangling union dynamics at the local, national and international levels, Christian Lévesque and Gregor Murray, Industrial Relations Journal, 41 (4), July 2010, 312–332.

Différences de satisfaction au travail entre les travailleurs à salaire élevé et à bas salaire en Europe, Konstantinos Pouliakas et Ioannis Theodossiou, Revue internationale du Travail, 149 (1), Mars 2010, 1–32.