Citer cet article
Grande, John K. « Fischil & Weiss. Flowers and Questions. A Retrospective. Tate Modern, London. October 11 – January 14, 2007. » Ciel variable, numéro 75, mars 2007, p. 36–36.
Grande, J. K. (2007). Compte rendu de [Fischil & Weiss. Flowers and Questions. A Retrospective. Tate Modern, London. October 11 – January 14, 2007]. Ciel variable, (75), 36–36.
- Chicago
Grande, John K. « Fischil & Weiss. Flowers and Questions. A Retrospective. Tate Modern, London. October 11 – January 14, 2007 ». Ciel variable no 75 (2007) : 36–36.
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