Corps de l’article

Anthropologie / Anthropology

FOK, Carlotta Ching Ting, James ALLEN, David HENRY, PEOPLE AWAKENING TEAM, 2014 The brief family relationship scale: A brief measure of the relationship dimension in family functioning, Assessment, 21(1): 67-72.

KRAL, Michael J., Ida SALUSKY, Pakkak INUKSUK, Leah ANGUTIMARIK, Nathan TULUGARDJUK, 2014 Tunngajuq: Stress and resilience among Inuit youth in Nunavut, Canada, Transcultural Psychiatry, 51(5): 673-692.

LEMOINE, Genevieve, 2014 Elatu’s Funeral: A Glimpse of Inughuit-American Relations on Robert E. Peary’s 1898-1902 Expedition, Arctic, 67(3): 340-346.

LEONARD, Stephen Pax, 2014 The need to ‘belong’: Social connectedness and spatial attachment in Polar Eskimo settlements, Polar Record, 50(2): 138-146.

PÁLSSON, Gísli, 2014 Personal Names: Embodiment, Differentiation, Exclusion, and Belonging, Science Technology and Human Values, 39(4): 618-630.

WEXLER, Lisa, Kristen EGLINTON, Aline GUBRIUM, 2014 Using Digital Stories to Understand the Lives of Alaska Native Young People, Youth and Society, 46(4): 478-504.

Archéologie / Archaeology

DUSSAULT, Frédéric, Allison BAIN, Genevieve LEMOINE, 2014 Early Thule winter houses: An archaeoentomological analysis, Arctic Anthropology, 51(1): 101-117.

FARRELL, Thomas F.G., Peter JORDAN, Karine TACHÉ, Alexandre LUCQUIN, Kevin GIBBS, Ana JORGE, Kate BRITTON, Oliver E. CRAIG, Rick KNECHT, 2014 Specialized Processing of Aquatic Resources in Prehistoric Alaskan Pottery? A Lipid-Residue Analysis of Ceramic Sherds from the Thule-Period Site of Nunalleq, Alaska, Arctic Anthropology, 51(1): 86-100.

PARK, Robert W., 2014 Stories of Arctic colonization, Science, 345(6200): 1004-1005.

RAGHAVAN, Maanasa et al., 2014 The genetic prehistory of the New World Arctic, Science, 345(6200): 1255832/1-1255832/9.

SAVELLE, James M., Arthur S. DYKE, 2014 Prehistoric Neoeskimo Komatiks, Victoria Island, Arctic Canada, Arctic, 67(2): 135-142.

SAVENE, James M., Arthur S. DYKE, 2014 Paleoeskimo occupation history of Foxe Basin, Arctic Canada: Implications for the core area model and Dorset origins, American Antiquity, 79(2): 249-276.


VAN DEN SCOTT, Jeffrey, 2014 Experiencing the music: Toward a visual model for the social construction of music, Studies in Symbolic Interaction, 42: 3-19.

Droit / Law

VAN MALLEGHEM, Pieter-Augustijn, Niels BAETEN, 2014 Before the law stands a gatekeeper - Or, what is a “regulatory act” in Article 263(4) TFEU? Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami Case C-583/11 P, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Others v. Parliament and Council, Judgment of the Court of Justice (Grand Chamber) of 3 October 2013, nyr, Common Market Law Review, 51(4): 1187-1216.

Économie / Economy

HIGDON, Jeff W., Steven H. FERGUSON, 2014 Inuit recollections of a 1950s killer whale (orcinus orca) ice entrapment in Foxe Basin, Nunavut, Canada, Aquatic Mammals, 40(1): 9-19.

PAKSERESHT, Mohammadreza, Rosalyn LANG, Stacey RITTMUELLER, Cindy ROACHE, Tony SHEEHY, Malek BATAL, André CORRIVEAU, Sangita SHARMA, 2014 Food expenditure patterns in the Canadian Arctic show cause for concern for obesity and chronic disease, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 11: article 51, content/11/1/51.

REEDY, Katherine, Herbert MASCHNER, 2014 Traditional foods, corporate controls: networks of household access to key marine species in southern Bering Sea villages, Polar Record, 50(4): 364-378.

RODON, Thierry, Stephan SCHOTT, 2014 Towards a sustainable future for Nunavik, Polar Record, 50(3): 260-276.

TEJSNER, Pelle, 2014 Quota disputes and subsistence whaling in Qeqertarsuaq, Greenland, Polar Record, 50(4): 430-439.

Environnement / Environment

BENNETT, T.D., T.C. LANTZ, 2014 Participatory photomapping: A method for documenting, contextualizing, and sharing indigenous observations of environmental conditions, Polar Geography, 37(1): 28-48.

DURKALEC, Agata et al., 2014 Investigating environmental determinants of injury and trauma in the Canadian North, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11(2): 1536-1548.

FORD, James D. et al., 2014 Adapting to the Effects of Climate Change on Inuit Health, American Journal of Public Health, 104(3): E9-E17.

GOLDHAR, Christina, Trevor BELL, Johanna WOLF, 2014 Vulnerability to freshwater changes in the Inuit settlement region of Nunatsiavut, Labrador: a case study from Rigolet, Arctic, 67(1): 71-83.

Histoire / History

THRUSH, Coll, 2014 The iceberg and the cathedral: Encounter, entanglement, and isuma in Inuit London, Journal of British Studies, 53(1): 59-79.

Linguistique / Linguistics

BERMAN, Ruth A., 2014 Cross-linguistic comparisons in child language research, Journal of Child Language, 41: 26-37.

KILARSKI, Marcin, 2014 Complexity in the history of language study, Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 50(2): 157-168.

PATRICK, Donna, Gabriele BUDACH, 2014 “Urban-rural” dynamics and Indigenous urbanization: The case of Inuit language use in Ottawa, Journal of Language Identity and Education, 13(4): 236-253.

SAUCIER, Gerard, Amber Gayle THALMAYER, Tarik S. BEL-BAHAR, 2014 Human Attribute Concepts: Relative Ubiquity Across Twelve Mutually Isolated Languages, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 107(1): 199-216.

Politique / Politics

GOMBAY, Nicole, 2014 ‘Poaching’ - What’s in a name? Debates about law, property, and protection in the context of settler colonialism, Geoforum, 55: 1-12.

WEBER, Barret, 2014 ‘Government closer to the people’: On decentralization in Nunavut, Polar Geography, 37(2): 177-193.

Psychologie / Psychology

ALLEN, James, Gerald V. MOHATT, 2014 Introduction to Ecological Description of a Community Intervention: Building Prevention Through Collaborative Field Based Research, American Journal of Community Psychology, 54(1-2): 83-90.

ALLEN, James, Gerald V. MOHATT, Sarah BEEHLER, Hillary L. ROWE, 2014 People Awakening: Collaborative Research to Develop Cultural Strategies for Prevention in Community Intervention, American Journal of Community Psychology, 54(1-2): 100-111.

ALLEN, James, Kim HOPPER, Lisa WEXLER, Michael KRAL, Stacy RASMUS, Kristine NYSTAD, 2014 Mapping resilience pathways of Indigenous youth in five circumpolar communities, Transcultural Psychiatry, 51(5): 601-631.

CRAWFORD, Allison, 2014 “The trauma experienced by generations past having an effect in their descendants”: Narrative and historical trauma among Inuit in Nunavut, Canada, Transcultural Psychiatry, 51(3): 339-369.

KRAL, Michael J., 2014 The relational motif in participatory qualitative research, Qualitative Inquiry, 20(2): 144-150.

KRAL, Michael J., Ida SALUSKY, Pakkak INUKSUK, Leah ANGUTIMARIK, Nathan TULUGARDJUK, 2014 Tunngajuq: Stress and resilience among Inuit youth in Nunavut, Canada, Transcultural Psychiatry, 51(5): 673-692.

MOHATT, Gerald V., Carlotta Ching Ting FOK, David HENRY, James ALLEN, 2014 Feasibility of a Community Intervention for the Prevention of Suicide and Alcohol Abuse with Yup’ik Alaska Native Youth: The Elluam Tungiinun and Yupiucimta Asvairtuumallerkaa Studies, American Journal of Community Psychology, 54(1-2): 153-169.

RASMUS, Stacy M., 2014 Indigenizing CBPR: Evaluation of a Community-Based and Participatory Research Process Implementation of the Elluam Tungiinun (Towards Wellness) Program in Alaska, American Journal of Community Psychology, 54(1-2): 170-179.

RASMUS, Stacy M., James ALLEN, Tara FORD, 2014 “Where I have to learn the ways how to live”: Youth resilience in a Yup’ik village in Alaska, Transcultural Psychiatry, 51(5): 713-734.

RASMUS, Stacy M., Billy CHARLES, Gerald V. MOHATT, 2014 Creating Qungasvik (A Yup’ik Intervention “Toolbox”): Case Examples from a Community-Developed and Culturally-Driven Intervention, American Journal of Community Psychology, 54(1-2): 140-152.

WEXLER, Lisa, 2014 Looking across three generations of Alaska Natives to explore how culture fosters indigenous resilience, Transcultural Psychiatry, 51(1): 73-92.

WEXLER, Lisa, Linda JOULE, Joe GAROUTTE, Janet MAZZIOTTI, Kim HOPPER, 2014 “Being responsible, respectful, trying to keep the tradition alive”: Cultural resilience and growing up in an Alaska Native community, Transcultural Psychiatry, 51 (5): 693-712.

Santé / Health

ALVAREZ, Gonzalo G. et al., 2014 TAIMA (Stop) TB: The Impact of a Multifaceted TB Awareness and Door-to-Door Campaign in Residential Areas of High Risk for TB in Iqaluit, Nunavut, Plos One, 9(7): article 0100975,

BERSAMIN, Andrea et al., 2014 Enculturation, perceived stress, and physical activity: implications for metabolic risk among the Yup’ik - The Center for Alaska Native Health Research Study, Ethnicity & Health, 19(3): 255-269.

KING, Ursula, Christopher FURGAL, 2014 Is Hunting Still Healthy? Understanding the Interrelationships between Indigenous Participation in Land-Based Practices and Human-Environmental Health, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11(6): 5751-5782.

KOLAHDOOZ, Fariba, Desiree SIMEON, Gary FERGUSON, Sangita SHARMA, 2014 Development of a Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire for Use among the Yup’ik People of Western Alaska, Plos One, 9(6): article 100412,

KOLAHDOOZ, Fariba et al., 2014 Assessment of Dietary Intake among Inuvialuit in Arctic Canada Using a Locally Developed Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 33(2): 147-154.

RIVA, Mylène, Christina Viskum Lytken LARSEN, Peter BJERREGAARD, 2014 Household crowding and psychosocial health among Inuit in Greenland, International Journal of Public Health, 59(5): 739-748.

RIVA, Mylène et al., 2014 Household crowding is associated with higher allostatic load among the Inuit, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 68(4): 363-369.

URKE, Helga Bjornoy, Zhirong R. CAO, Grace M. EGELAND, 2014 Validity of a Single Item Food Security Questionnaire in Arctic Canada, Pediatrics, 133(6): E1616-E1623.

VOLPE, Tiziana, Katherine BOYDELL, Antonio PIGNATIELLO, 2014 Mental health services for Nunavut children and youth: Evaluating a telepsychiatry pilot project, Rural and Remote Health, 14(2): article 2673,

Savoirs traditionnels / Traditional knowledge

AYUNERAK, Paula, Deborah ALSTROM, Charles MOSES, James CHARLIE Sr., Stacy M. RASMUS, 2014 Yup’ik Culture and Context in Southwest Alaska: Community Member Perspectives of Tradition, Social Change, and Prevention, American Journal of Community Psychology, 54(1-2): 91-99.

BRUNET, Nicolas D., Gordon M. HICKEY, Murray M. HUMPHRIES, 2014 The evolution of local participation and the mode of knowledge production in Arctic research, Ecology and Society, 19(2): article 69,

FIENUP-RIORDAN, Ann, 2014 Linking local and global: Yup’ik elders working together with one mind, Polar Geography, 37(1): 92-109.

GADOUA, Marie-Pierre, 2014 Making Sense through Touch: Handling Collections with Inuit Elders at the McCord Museum, Senses and Society, 9(3): 323-341.

LYONS, Natasha, 2014 Localized critical theory as an expression of community archaeology practice: With an example from Inuvialuit elders of the Canadian Western Arctic, American Antiquity, 79(2): 183-203.

TONDU, J.M.E., A.M. BALASUBRAMANIAM, L. CHAVARIE, N. GANTNER, J.A. KNOPP, J.F. PROVENCHER, P.B.Y. WONG, D. SIMMONS, 2014 Working with Northern Communities to Build Collaborative Research Partnerships: Perspectives from Early Career Researchers, Arctic, 67(3): 419-429.

WHITECLOUD, Simone S., Lenore A. GRENOBLE, 2014 An interdisciplinary approach to documenting knowledge: Plants and their uses in Southern Greenland, Arctic, 67(1): 57-70.

Sociologie/ Sociology

DOMBROWSKI, Kirk et al., 2014 Network sampling of social divisions in a rural Inuit community, Identities-Global Studies in Culture and Power, 21(2): 134-151.