Citer cet article
Allum, J. A. E. « Pyroclasts:: The Choice of Satellite-Borne or Air-Borne Remote Sensing for Geology and Mineral Exploration. » Geoscience Canada, volume 11, numéro 4, december 1984, p. 208–209.
Allum, J. A. E. (1984). Pyroclasts:: The Choice of Satellite-Borne or Air-Borne Remote Sensing for Geology and Mineral Exploration. Geoscience Canada, 11(4), 208–209.
- Chicago
Allum, J. A. E. « Pyroclasts:: The Choice of Satellite-Borne or Air-Borne Remote Sensing for Geology and Mineral Exploration ». Geoscience Canada 11, no 4 (1984) : 208–209.
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