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La rédaction. « Hastenrath, Stephan and Greischar, Lawrence L. (1989): Climatic Atlas of the Indian Ocean. Part III: Upper-Ocean Structure. The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, xxvi + 247 cartes, 33 x 23 cm, 40 $ US. ISBN 0-299-12154-2. » Géographie physique et Quaternaire, volume 45, numéro 3, 1991, p. 381–381.
La rédaction (1991). Hastenrath, Stephan and Greischar, Lawrence L. (1989): Climatic Atlas of the Indian Ocean. Part III: Upper-Ocean Structure. The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, xxvi + 247 cartes, 33 x 23 cm, 40 $ US. ISBN 0-299-12154-2. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 45(3), 381–381.
- Chicago
La rédaction « Hastenrath, Stephan and Greischar, Lawrence L. (1989): Climatic Atlas of the Indian Ocean. Part III: Upper-Ocean Structure. The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, xxvi + 247 cartes, 33 x 23 cm, 40 $ US. ISBN 0-299-12154-2 ». Géographie physique et Quaternaire 45, no 3 (1991) : 381–381.
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