Previous studies have described many scales for measuring self-regulation; however, no scale has been developed specifically for self-paced open and distance learning environments. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop a scale for determining the self-regulated learning skills of distance learners in self-paced open and distance learning courses. Participants of this study were 1279 distance learners who were part of self-paced distance learning courses in a public open and distance teaching university in Turkey. The items of the scale were prepared based on the literature review, expert opinions, and learner questionnaires. The items of the scale were reduced from 62 to 30 after expert opinions and validity and reliability analyses. For the validity of the scale, the exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted. The total variance was found to be 58.204%. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient calculated for the reliability of the scale was found to be .937. Five factors composed of goal setting, help seeking, self-study strategies, managing physical environment, and effort regulation emerged in the 30-item scale. Thus, it was concluded that the scale has a high validity and reliability. This scale is intended to help teachers and instructional designers in developing strategies that will enable learners to either enhance their existing self-regulated learning skills or help them to acquire new skills in self-paced open and distance learning environments.
- self-regulated learning,
- self-paced open and distance learning,
- flexible learning,
- independent learning,
- autonomous learners
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Parties annexes
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