While best known as a composer, Cherney has also been active in music scholarship. His doctoral thesis in musicology was on German music criticism during the Weimar era, but in his later career he has made important and timely interventions into Canadian music studies. Among his publications are articles on John Weinzweig and Pierre Mercure, as well as a monograph on Harry Somers, who is the subject of his ongoing research. His course on Canadian music at McGill University has introduced many students to the serious study and understanding of composed music in Canada. This article considers Cherney’s music scholarship and speculates on how this work may have had an impact upon his creative activities as a composer.
Bien que connu surtout comme compositeur, Cherney a aussi été actif dans le milieu de l’érudition musicale. Sa thèse de doctorat en musicologie portait sur la critique musicale sous la République de Weimar; plus tard dans sa carrière, il a aussi fait des interventions importantes et opportunes dans le domaine des études musicales au Canada. Ses publications incluent des articles sur John Weinzweig et Pierre Mercure, ainsi qu’une monographie sur Harry Somers, qui fait l’objet de sa recherche en cours. Son cours sur la musique canadienne à l’Université McGill a initié de nombreux étudiants à l’étude sérieuse et la compréhension de la musique composée au Canada. Cet essai porte sur l’érudition musicale de Cherney et pose comme hypothèse que cette optique peut avoir influencée ses activités créatrices comme compositeur.
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Parties annexes
Biographical note
Robin Elliott was appointed to the Jean A. Chalmers Chair in Canadian Music in the Faculty of Music at the University of Toronto in 2002. The main focus of his scholarly work is composed Canadian music; he has produced a dozen books and editions of music (as author or editor), and 100 articles of varying length. He was the English editor of Intersections from 2014 to 2016.
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