L'entraînement du nouveau personnel de gérance qui entre au service d'une corporation moderne constitue une part importante pour assurer la stabilité et la vitalité à toute entreprise. Le programme d'entraînement ou de perfectionnement a pour but de développer et d'approfondir son sens administratif, à cause de l'aspect technique et administratif que comporte son travail. Ce dernier aspect du travail suscite des problèmes concernant les facteurs humains et sociaux et nécessite beaucoup de compréhension. L'Aluminum Company of Canada ayant compris cette exigence a établi un système d'entraînement en deux phases: l'une dite d'extérieur et l'autre d'école. C'est ce programme que l'auteur présente dans cet article en expliquant son fonctionnement et les résultats apportés.
Post employment training of newly-engaged management personnel is a vital responsibility in mordern industry. The new employee enters an organization that is technically, socially and financially complex. In order to prepare young men for their careers in the organization, the Aluminum Company of Canada, Limited conducts a training program of several months' duration. This program consists of two parts, a field phase and a classroom phase.
The field phase consists of short visits to the various plants and installations in Quebec and Ontario and of temporary job assignments usually three months in length. The purpose is to give the trainees a general understanding of the organization and operation of the Company and its various units.
The classroom phase usually lasts three or four weeks. It includes sessions in conversational French and lectures and discussions on French Canada to help non-French-speaking trainees gain greater understanding of, and ability to communicate with their French Canadian compatriots. In addition, the classroom phase includes a certain number of seminars on Company organization and activities.
However, some 65 percent of the total time is allotted to the areas of administration and human relations and of personnel administration and labour relations. This emphasis on the human aspect of management is due to the Company's belief that the manager's competence in this complex area of endeavour is of fundamental importance. The training objective in administration and human relations is to help the managerial trainee develop useful ways of thinking about administration, to increase his awareness of his responsibilities to and for others in the work life situation, and cultivate skills of effective leadership and cooperation. The training in personnel administration and labour relations possesses some of the same objectives as the training in administration and human relations, but in addition, aims at promoting increased familiarity with some of the special practices, tools, and techniques of personnel administration in a unionized situation.
Because the training objectives concern the development of practical understanding and skills, use is made of the case-study and the role-playing methods. In these methods the students themselves are given a good part of the responsibility for learning and they deal with subject material which consists of concrete and actual cases taken from industrial situations.
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Note biographique
BARRETT, F.D., docteur en économique industrielle (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), officier supérieur de l'entraînement, (Personnel), Aluminum Company of Canada.