Corps de l’article

Clavette, Suzanne, L’affaire Silicose par deux fondateurs de Relations, Québec : Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2006, 437 p.

Fenge, Robert and Pierre Pestieau, Social Security and Early Retirement, Cambridge Mass. : The MIT Press, 2005, 160 p.

Haddow, Rodney and Thomas Klassen, Partisanship, Globalization, and Canadian Labour Market Policy: Four Provinces in Comparative Perspective, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006, 392 p.

Harish, Jain, C., Peter J. Sloane, and Frank M. Horwitz, Employment Equity and Affirmative Action: An International Comparison, New York : M.E. Sharpe Press, 2003, 228 p.

Lapointe, Paul-André et Guy Bellemare, Innovations sociales dans le travail et l’emploi : recherches empiriques et perspectives théoriques, Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval, 2006, 330 p.

Jacoby, Sanford M., The Embedded Corporation: Corporate Governance and Employment Relations in Japan and the United State, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2005, 248 p.

Tucker Erik, Charles Levenstein and John Wooding, Working Disasters. The Politics of Recognition and Response. Work, Health, and Environment Series, New-York: Baywood Publishing Company, 2006, 325 p.

Wetzel, Kurt (ed.), Labour Relations and Health Reform. A Comparative Study of Five Jurisdictions, New York: Palgrave Macmillan Press, 2005, 224 p.

Zuberi, Dan, Differences that Matter. Social Policy and the Working Poor in the United States and Canada, Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 2006, 230 p.