L'objet de cet article porte sur une expérience de groupe tentée à la succursale St-Denis-Gounod au Centre des Services Sociaux du Montréal Métropolitain. Cet article vise surtout à communiquer un travail qui a été fait et la réflexion qui s'en suit. Cet article n'a donc pas du tout la prétention de rapporter une expérience de groupe révolutionnaire en soi et à l'adopter sur une vaste échelle.
The author describes group experience with 9 women in the midst of marital problems. There were 5 principal goals in the group: make a decision with regard to one's marital life; to grow stronger on the individual level; to experience solidarity among women; to discover community resources; and to reflect on the condition of women. After 11 sessions, which she summarizes, the author provides an assessment: low rate of absenteeism; a decision by 3 women to separate from their husbands; affirmations on the part of 3 others with regard to their husbands; the creation of continuing affective ties among within the group; the discovery of community resources and the participation in outside activities. The only partially-obtained objective was that concerning reflection on the feminine condition.
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