Citer cet article
Majzels, Claudine. « Lorente, J. Pedro. Cathedrals of Urban Modernity: The First Museums of Contemporary Art, 1800–1930. Historical Urban Studies. Aldershot, Hampshire, UK/Brookfield, Vermont, USA: Ashgate, 1998. Pp. xiii, 322. Black and white plates, bibliography, index. » Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, volume 27, numéro 2, march 1999, p. 70–71.
Majzels, C. (1999). Compte rendu de [Lorente, J. Pedro. Cathedrals of Urban Modernity: The First Museums of Contemporary Art, 1800–1930. Historical Urban Studies. Aldershot, Hampshire, UK/Brookfield, Vermont, USA: Ashgate, 1998. Pp. xiii, 322. Black and white plates, bibliography, index]. Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, 27(2), 70–71.
- Chicago
Majzels, Claudine « Lorente, J. Pedro. Cathedrals of Urban Modernity: The First Museums of Contemporary Art, 1800–1930. Historical Urban Studies. Aldershot, Hampshire, UK/Brookfield, Vermont, USA: Ashgate, 1998. Pp. xiii, 322. Black and white plates, bibliography, index ». Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine 27, no 2 (1999) : 70–71.
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