Labour/Le Travailleur

Volume 26, 1990

Sommaire (15 articles)

Contributors / Collaborateurs


  1. Collective Action in Outport Newfoundland: A Case Study from the 1830s
  2. Organizing on the Waterfront: The St. John's Longshoremen's Protective Union (LSPU), 1890-1914
  3. "All Solid Along The Line": The Reid Newfoundland Strike of 1918
  4. Economic Crisis and the End of Democracy: Politics in Newfoundland During the Great Depression
  5. Battle Harbour in Transition: Merchants, Fishennen, and the State in the Struggle for Relief in a Labrador Community during the 1930s

Conference Reports / Rapports de Congrés

  1. Paid Work in the Home — A Brief Report

Review Essays / Notes critiques

  1. Two Ages of Waterfront Labour
  2. The Left in the Detroit Labour Movement

Reviews / Comptes Rendus

Book Notes / Références Bibliographiques

Notebook / Carnet

  1. Notebook / Carnet

Committee on Canadian Labour History / Comité d'histoire de travailleurs Canadiens

The Canadian Labour Bibliography / La Biliograhique du mouvement ouvrier Canadien

Abstracts / Résumés

Anciens numéros de Labour/Le Travailleur