Ontario History

Volume 104, numéro 2, fall 2012

Sommaire (14 articles)

  1. The Woman Candidate for the Ontario Legislative Assembly, 1919-1929
  2. Knighting Bert: Mackenzie King and Ottawa's Galahad Statue
  3. Married Women and Businesses
  4. The Rise and Fall of an Ontario Business Dynasty: William Kennedy & Sons and its successors, 1857-1997
  5. Number 22 Internment Camp: German Prisoners of War and Canadian Internment Operations in Mimico, Ontario, 1940-1944
  6. A Second Look at Memoryscapes: Community and Deindustrialization in a Different Kind of Industrial Town, Haileybury, Ontario
  7. Trade Goods and Nations in Sagard's Dictionary: A St. Lawrence Iroquoian Perspective

Book Reviews

  1. Contributors

Anciens numéros de Ontario History