The Journal of Canadian Food Cultures
Revue des cultures culinaires au Canada

Volume 2, Number 2, 2010 Terroir Guest-edited by Jean-Pierre Lemasson and Amy Trubek

Table of contents (18 articles)

  1. Foreword: The Terroir Issue
  2. Terroir Products in North America: Dreams or Future Reality?


  1. État des systèmes de labellisation en Europe, au Vermont et au Québec
  2. Placing the Taste of Vermont Cheese
  3. Valorisation des terroirs et économie morale au 21e siècle : le cas des fromages fins du Québec
  4. My Vision of Terroir
  5. Les enjeux de la certification des vins québécois
  6. Tasting the Bedrock
  7. Maple Syrup: Differences between Vermont and Quebec
  8. Challenges and Opportunities in Vermont
  9. The Quebec Act Respecting Reserved Designations and Added-Value Claims: Innovative Regulations in North America for Terroir and Specificity Products


  1. Make it Here: An Interview with Chef Normand Laprise
  2. What I Do Has to Be Great (Video)

Book Reviews

  1. Conclusion
  2. Conclusion et perspectives

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