Studies in Canadian Literature
Études en littérature canadienne

Volume 47, Number 1, 2022

Table of contents (16 articles)


  1. Reading Poetry and Its Paratexts for Evidence of Fair Dealing
  2. Finding a Place for the Subject: Rethinking Place in Early to Modern Canadian Criticism
  3. Trauma and the Ethics of Literary Culture in the Time of Pandemic: Emily St. John Mandel’s Station Eleven and Saleema Nawaz’s Songs for the End of the World
  4. Becoming Fish: Settler Deeds, Salmon Resistance, and Multi-Species Accords in Gail Anderson-Dargatz’s The Spawning Grounds
  5. Telling Tales: The True Story of The Handmaid’s Tale
  6. The Sound of a Silenced Letter: Souvankham Thammavongsa and the Kinetic Archive
  7. “But How, How to Exist and Not to Belong?”: Hybridity and Trauma in Rawi Hage’s Cockroach
  8. The Work of Reading Sachiko Murakami’s Rebuild: Situating Community-Engaged Learning in the Classroom
  9. Richesse et pauvreté des portraits de Seth en postures de fan
  10. Anna Minerva Henderson’s Citadel and Gloria Ann Wesley’s To My Someday Child: A Close Reading of Two Maritime Voices
  11. Habiter le territoire exproprié de Kouchibouguac : étude géopoétique d’Infini de Jean Babineau
  12. Scottishness, Humour, and the Aesthetics of Settler Colonialism in Thomas Chandler Haliburton’s The Clockmaker
  13. Penser les relations éthiques dans et avec la littérature des pensionnats : réflexions autour du roman Le vent en parle encore de Michel Jean
  14. Hugh MacLennan and the Two Solitudes of Hockey
  15. Vincent Brault — un auteur québécois à découvrir

Notes on Contributors

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