Algorithmic Operations Research

Volume 3, Number 1, Winter 2008

Table of contents (11 articles)


  1. On Packing Rectangles with Resource Augmentation:: Maximizing the Profit
  2. Global convergence of a primal-dual interior-point method for nonlinear programming
  3. K3,3 Minors and the Maximum-Flow Problem
  4. Hardness results and approximation algorithms for identifying codes and locating-dominating codes in graphs
  5. Robust evaluations for duals of non-negative linear programs with box-constrained uncertainties
  6. The alpha-reliable shortest path problem
  7. Utilizing the Surrogate Dual Bound in Capacity Planning with Economies of Scale

Short Communications

  1. The Computational Efficiency of the Ji-Lee-Li Algorithm for the Assignment Problem

Class Room Notes

  1. Integrated Software Tools for the OR/MS Classroom

Book Reviews

  1. Uncertainty and Information:: Foundations of Generalized Information Theory (a book review)
  2. Review of the electronic book “Dealing with Uncertainties”

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