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G., F. "Rodgers, Allan L. The industrial geography of the port of Genova. The University of Chicago, Department of Geography, Research Paper, No. 66. Chicago, Illinois, 1960. IV – 144 pages. Photos, cartes, tableaux, graphiques, bibliographie." Cahiers de géographie du Québec, volume 5, number 9, 1960, p. 105–105.
G., F. (1960). Review of [Rodgers, Allan L. The industrial geography of the port of Genova. The University of Chicago, Department of Geography, Research Paper, No. 66. Chicago, Illinois, 1960. IV – 144 pages. Photos, cartes, tableaux, graphiques, bibliographie.] Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 5(9), 105–105.
- Chicago
G., F. "Rodgers, Allan L. The industrial geography of the port of Genova. The University of Chicago, Department of Geography, Research Paper, No. 66. Chicago, Illinois, 1960. IV – 144 pages. Photos, cartes, tableaux, graphiques, bibliographie.". Cahiers de géographie du Québec 5, no. 9 (1960) : 105–105.
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