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Guillaume, Philippe. "Sylvie Readman, S’absenter, Occurrence, Espace d’Art, and d’Essai Contemporain, Montreal May 14 to June 13, 2009." Ciel variable, number 83, fall 2009, winter 2010, p. 90–91.
Guillaume, P. (2009). Review of [Sylvie Readman, S’absenter, Occurrence, Espace d’Art, and d’Essai Contemporain, Montreal May 14 to June 13, 2009]. Ciel variable, (83), 90–91.
- Chicago
Guillaume, Philippe "Sylvie Readman, S’absenter, Occurrence, Espace d’Art, and d’Essai Contemporain, Montreal May 14 to June 13, 2009". Ciel variable no. 83 (2009) : 90–91.
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