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Ugochukwu, Françoise. "LIM, David C. L., The Infinite Longing for Home. Desire and the Nation in Selected Writings of Ben Okri and K. S. Maniam. Amsterdam - New York, Rodopi, Cross/Cultures. Readings in the Post/Colonial Literatures in English, 80, 2005, XXIII, 226 p. - ISBN 90-420-1677-9." Études littéraires africaines, number 21, 2006, p. 78–80.
Ugochukwu, F. (2006). Review of [LIM, David C. L., The Infinite Longing for Home. Desire and the Nation in Selected Writings of Ben Okri and K. S. Maniam. Amsterdam - New York, Rodopi, Cross/Cultures. Readings in the Post/Colonial Literatures in English, 80, 2005, XXIII, 226 p. - ISBN 90-420-1677-9]. Études littéraires africaines, (21), 78–80.
- Chicago
Ugochukwu, Françoise "LIM, David C. L., The Infinite Longing for Home. Desire and the Nation in Selected Writings of Ben Okri and K. S. Maniam. Amsterdam - New York, Rodopi, Cross/Cultures. Readings in the Post/Colonial Literatures in English, 80, 2005, XXIII, 226 p. - ISBN 90-420-1677-9". Études littéraires africaines no. 21 (2006) : 78–80.
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