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Luffin, Xavier. "Spaas (Lieve), How Belgium colonized the Mind of the Congo. Seeking the Memory of an African People. With a Foreword by James Forsdick. Lewinston / Queenston / Lampeter (Ceredigion) : The Edwin Mellen Press Ltd, 2007, 236 p., index, bibl., ill. – ISBN 978-0-7734-5167-4." Études littéraires africaines, number 27, 2009, p. 105–107.
Luffin, X. (2009). Review of [Spaas (Lieve), How Belgium colonized the Mind of the Congo. Seeking the Memory of an African People. With a Foreword by James Forsdick. Lewinston / Queenston / Lampeter (Ceredigion) : The Edwin Mellen Press Ltd, 2007, 236 p., index, bibl., ill. – ISBN 978-0-7734-5167-4]. Études littéraires africaines, (27), 105–107.
- Chicago
Luffin, Xavier "Spaas (Lieve), How Belgium colonized the Mind of the Congo. Seeking the Memory of an African People. With a Foreword by James Forsdick. Lewinston / Queenston / Lampeter (Ceredigion) : The Edwin Mellen Press Ltd, 2007, 236 p., index, bibl., ill. – ISBN 978-0-7734-5167-4". Études littéraires africaines no. 27 (2009) : 105–107.
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