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Celovsky, Boris. "Madariaga, Salvador de, The Rise of the Spanish American Empire. London, Hallis and Carter, 1947. 408 p.; The Fall of the Spanish American Empire. London, Hallis and Carter, 1947. 443 p." Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, volume 6, number 4, mars 1953, p. 586–587.
Celovsky, B. (1953). Review of [Madariaga, Salvador de, The Rise of the Spanish American Empire. London, Hallis and Carter, 1947. 408 p.; The Fall of the Spanish American Empire. London, Hallis and Carter, 1947. 443 p.] Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, 6(4), 586–587.
- Chicago
Celovsky, Boris "Madariaga, Salvador de, The Rise of the Spanish American Empire. London, Hallis and Carter, 1947. 408 p.; The Fall of the Spanish American Empire. London, Hallis and Carter, 1947. 443 p.". Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française 6, no. 4 (1953) : 586–587.
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