International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies

Volume 12, Number 1, 2021 Assimilation Interrupted: Transforming Discourses of Culture and Honour-Based Violence in Canada Guest-edited by Mandeep Kaur Mucina and Amina Jamal

Table of contents (8 articles)


  1. Introduction to special issue: Assimilation, interrupted: Transforming discourses of culture- and honour-based violence in Canada
  2. Witnessing, grieving, and remembering: Letters of resistance, love, and reclamation from daughters of izzat
  3. Should feminists stop talking about culture in the context of violence against Muslim women? The case of “honour killing”
  4. Piety, transgression, and the feminist debate on Muslim women: Resituating the victim-subject of honor-related violence from a transnational lens
  5. “Honour”-based violence and the politics of culture in Canada: Advancing a cultural analysis of multiscalar violence
  6. Police understandings of and responses to a complex vignette of “honour”-based crime and forced marriage
  7. “Barbaric” cultural practices: Culturalizing violence and the failure to protect women in Canada
  8. Patriarchy and the “Other” in the Western imagination: Honour killings and violence against women


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