Histoire et théorie des arts, des lettres et des techniques
History and Theory of the Arts, Literature and Technologies

Number 44, Fall 2024 incorporer incorporating Guest-edited by María Andrea Giovine, Susana González Aktories and Roberto Cruz Arzabal

Table of contents (16 articles)

  1. Liminaire
  2. Introduction


  1. Between Word and Body: (Re)Organ-izing the Autobiography in bpNichol’s Organ Music: Parts of an Autobiography
  2. Vers une « mise en corps » de l’existant animé : penser le néo-animisme à travers Hatsune Miku
  3. Considerations about Materiality and the Medial Processes in the Puppet Company “Die Klappe. Das Kabarett an Fäden”
  4. Interpassivity and Presence: Some Reflections on the Concept of Autoteatro
  5. Intermedial Encounters in Experimental Cinema: The Body as Performance Space
  6. Fragmentation visuelle et immersion sonore des corps dans le cinéma de Lucrecia Martel
  7. Incarner la pietà pour contester l’histoire : les sculptures mémorielles de Tavares Strachan
  8. Lire pour / avec le corps : activations sonores de la poésie de Celerina Sánchez et Víctor Gally
  9. A Frame for Fiction: On Galo Ghigliotto’s El Muso de la Bruma
  10. A Tradition and Its Metamorphoses (1968–2024): Corporeality in Works by Octavio Paz, Ulises Carrión, And Rocío Cerón
  11. Turning Attention Inwards: Seventeenth-Century Poetry of Interoception
  12. Intermediate Acts of Incorporation: Body, Psychogeography, and Drift in Arts with Electronic Technologies
  13. Intercorporeal Togetherness: Live Arts and Embodied Poiesis

Dossier d’artiste / Artist Dossier

  1. The Intermedial Matrix of a Mexican Contemporary Artist: Tania Candiani

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