International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Volume 6, Number 2, July 2005

Table of contents (14 articles)


Research Articles

  1. An Assessment of the Academic Achievement of Students in Two Modes of Part-time Programme in Nigeria
  2. Increasing access to Higher Education: A study of the diffusion of online teaching among 913 college faculty
  3. Structure, Content, Delivery, Service, and Outcomes: Quality e-Learning in higher education
  4. Navigating Distance and Traditional Higher Education: Online faculty experiences
  5. Selected Topics from a Matched Study between a Face-to-face Section and a Real-Time Online Section of a University Course
  6. Sources of Difference in Reliability: Identifying sources of difference in reliability in content analysis of online asynchronous discussions

Book Notes

Technical Notes

  1. 47. Wiki Products: A comparison
  2. 48. Rubrics and Exemplars in Text-Conferencing
  3. 49. Learning Objects and Instructional Design
  4. 50. Optimizing Conferencing Freeware


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