International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Volume 17, Number 1, January 2016 Special Issue: Research Papers in Online Learning Performance and Behaviour

Table of contents (13 articles)


Research Articles

  1. A Cognitive Style Perspective to Handheld Devices: Customization vs. Personalization
  2. Using Positive Visual Stimuli to Lighten The Online Learning Experience through In Class Questioning
  3. Does Navigation Always Predict Performance? Effects of Navigation on Digital Reading are Moderated by Comprehension Skills
  4. An Experimental Study of Satisfaction Response: Evaluation of Online Collaborative Learning
  5. Analysis of Learning Achievement and Teacher–Student Interactions in Flipped and Conventional Classrooms
  6. If You Build It, Will They Come? Predictors of Teachers’ Participation in and Satisfaction with the Effective Classroom Interactions Online Courses
  7. Challenges of Transitioning to e-learning System with Learning Objects Capabilities
  8. Emotional Intelligence as a Determinant of Readiness for Online Learning
  9. The Relationship between Successful Completion and Sequential Movement in Self-Paced Distance Courses
  10. Factors of Participants and Blogs that Predict Blogging Activeness During Teaching Practice and Induction Year
  11. Evaluation of Online Log Variables that Estimate Learners’ Time Management in a Korean Online Learning Context
  12. An Empirical Study of Factors Affecting Mobile Wireless Technology Adoption for Promoting Interactive Lectures in Higher Education


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