Journal of Critical Race Inquiry

Volume 11, Number 2, 2024 Fall/Winter 2024: From the Ground Up

The articles in this issue—focusing on critical race theory in schools, on anti-traffickinglegislation that criminalizes racialized workers, and on the experiences of racializedadolescents with cancer care—point to many of the ways that racism and racializationmanifest. But the complexities presented by the authors in this issue also point to the ways oppressions develop unevenly, such that space for agency and change are opened up.

Table of contents (6 articles)

Front Matter

  1. Editor's Note


  1. From Anti-Racism to Critical Race Theory in Ontario Public Schools
  2. Weaponized Licensure: Asian Migrant Sex Workers’ Struggle Against Discriminatory Licensing in Newmarket, Ontario
  3. Imagining Futures Amidst the Uncertainty of Living: A Critical Participatory Action Research Project with Adolescents and Young Adults with Lived Experiences with Cancer

Book Reviews


  1. On the Poetics of Migration, Black Geographies, and Nervous Conditions


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