Knowledge Creation, Dissemination, and Preservation Studies

Volume 3, Number 1, 2019 Methodologies of Understanding and Enacting Open Scholarship Guest-edited by J. Matthew Huculak Beyond Open: Implementing Social Scholarship Guest-edited by Alyssa Arbuckle, Luis Meneses and Raymond G. Siemens

Table of contents (25 articles)


  1. The Methodologies of Open Social Scholarship
  2. Introduction, Beyond Open: Implementing Social Scholarship

Research Articles

  1. Creating a Playable Academic Edition of Mourning Dove’s Cogewea or How Games can Decolonize
  2. Networking Social Scholarship…Again
  3. Spreadable Jams: Implementing Social Scholarship through Remodeled Game Jam Paradigms
  4. Towards Open Annotation: Examples and Experiments
  5. Open Social Knowledge Creation and Library and Archival Metadata
  6. Joining Voices: University – Industry Partnerships in the Humanities
  7. Digital Storytelling and Open, Networked Social Scholarship: A Narrative
  8. Open+: Versioning Open Social Scholarship
  9. Aligning Social Media Indicators with the Documents in an Open Access Repository
  10. The Seventies Sociality: Activist Publishers and the Digital Commonplacing of New Knowledge
  11. Crowdsourcing Downunder
  12. Open Social Scholarship Annotated Bibliography


  1. Living Labs and the DH Centre: Lessons for Each from the Other
  2. Historicizing the Knowledge Commons: Open Access, Technical Knowledge, and the Industrial Application of Science

Project Reports

  1. The Initial Impact of the Open Scholarship Policy Observatory

Methods Articles

  1. Modelling Open Social Scholarship Within the INKE Community
  2. Laying the Foundation for Community-Driven, Open Cultural Gazetteers
  3. Foundations for On-Campus Open Social Scholarship Activities
  4. The Sociable Textual Archive: Laying the Groundwork for Linked Bibliographic Entities
  5. Playful Lenses: Using Twine to Facilitate Open Social Scholarship through Game-based Inquiry, Research, and Scholarly Communication
  6. Artistic Research Creation for Publicly Engaged Scholarship
  7. Developing an Open Social Scholarship Collaboration: Lessons from INKE


  1. Correction: The Terezita Romo Papers: Capturing the Spirit of Collective Action in Archives


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