Cet article s’attache à Robert Rumilly et à ses fonctions de passeur des droites nationalistes entre la France et le Canada français. Français marqué originellement par le maurrassisme et arrivé au Canada en 1928 pour en prendre la nationalité en 1934, Rumilly n’est jamais retourné en France. Le propos s’articule chronologiquement en trois étapes. Dans un premier temps, il s’agit d’analyser la relation entre Rumilly, le maurrassisme et le Canada français. L’article s’intéresse ensuite à l’épuration que ce pétainiste convaincu dénonce vivement au Canada en recyclant des thématiques venues de France. Ce recyclage s’accompagne, dans un troisième temps, d’un placage et d’une réinterprétation lorsque Rumilly stigmatise, sous le nom d’« infiltration gauchiste », l’emprise des « catholiques de gauche » et la subversion à l’œuvre au Canada.
This article focuses on Robert Rumilly and on his role as a transmitter between the right-wing nationalisms of France and French Canada. Born in France, Rumilly was strongly influenced by the thought of Charles Maurras. He immigrated to Canada in 1928, became a naturalised citizen in 1934, and would never again return to France. The present article will be elaborated chronologically and in three stages. Firstly, the relationship between Rumilly, maurrasism and French Canada will be examined. His denunciation of the purge that followed the collapse of the Vichy regime will then be analysed. Rumilly, a convinced Petainist, recycled French themes on the épuration in his Canadian writing. Finally, his Canadian crusade against "left-wing infiltration," subversion, and the influence of "left-wing Catholics" will be examined. In this postwar campaign, Rumillys long-standing tendency to recycle French themes in his writing was accompanied by a corresponding tendency to reinterpret Canadian events in light of right-wing French anxieties and to overlay French concerns on Canadian issues.
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