Volume 20, Number 1, Spring 2005
Table of contents (16 articles)
Introduction - Humans on the Landscape: Interdisciplinary Studies at Port au Choix
Postglacial Sea-Level History and Coastline Change at Port au Choix, Great Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland
Testing a Proposed Late Holocene Sea-Level Oscillation using the Isolation Basin Approach, Great Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland
Environmental Changes at Port au Choix as Reconstructed from Fossil Midges
Animal Exploitation and Season of Occupation at the Groswater Palaeoeskimo Site of Phillip’s Garden West
Using Bone Measurements to Determine the Season of Harp Seal Hunting at the Dorset Palaeoeskimo Site of Phillip’s Garden
Late Prehistoric Human Impact on Bass Pond, Port au Choix
Palaeoethnobotanical Research at Port au Choix
Geophysical Survey of the Dorset Palaeoeskimo Site of Point Riche
Application of Ground-Penetrating Radar to Mapping Archaeological Features at the Gould Site, Port au Choix
Shannon Lewis-Simpson, ed. Vínland Revisited: The Norse World at the Turn of the First Millennium.
Hans Rollman. Labrador Through Moravian Eyes: 250 Years of Art, Photographs and Records.
Carol Brice-Bennett. Hopedale: Three Ages of a Community in Northern Labrador.
Elmer Harp Jr. Lives and Landscapes: A Photographic Memoir of Outport Newfoundland and Labrador, 1945-1963.