Cet article vérifie trois hypothèses d’ordre épistémologique. La première veut que les sciences humaines, quand elles se penchent sur une question, le font presque par nécessité dans un cadre interdisciplinaire. La seconde propose que l’ensemble des écrits des chercheurs des sciences humaines, quand il porte sur une question particulière, peut être ramené, dans ses grandes lignes, à un nombre limité de catégories sémantiques. La troisième hypothèse suggère que l’analytique et l’éthique soient fortement associés. Pour vérifier ces hypothèses, l’analyse porte sur un corpus de milliers de résumés d’articles qui ont été publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture et qui ont pour objet les organismes internationaux. Les trois hypothèses trouvent confirmation.
- Organismes internationaux,
- complexité,
- pluridisciplinarité,
- interdisciplinarité,
- analyse de données textuelles
This article verifies three epistemological hypotheses. The first proposes that human sciences, when studying a specific research topic, almost by necessity, take on an interdisciplinary approach. The second believes that, when scrutinizing a particular subject, human science papers tend to gravitate among a limited number of semantic categories. The third hypothesis suggests that both analytical and ethical standpoints are strongly associated. To verify these hypotheses, this paper analyses thousands of article abstracts published in pear reviewed journals pertaining to international organizations. All three hypotheses are confirmed.
Key words:
- Intergovernmental organizations,
- complexity,
- pluridisciplinary,
- interdisciplinary,
- qualitative data analysis
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Par exemple : Aristote, Thomas d’Aquin, Ibn Khaldun, Diderot, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Morin.
Par exemple : Yves Barel (Le paradoxe et le système, Grenoble, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 1989), Ludwig von Bertalanffy (General System Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications, New York, George Braziller, [1968] 1976), Niklas Luhmann (Social Systems, Stanford (CA), Stanford University Press, [1984] 1995), Talcott Parsons (The Social System, Glencoe (Ill.), Free Press, 1951).
Par exemple : Pierre Bourdieu (La reproduction. Élément pour une théorie du système d’enseignement, Paris, Minuit, 1970), Claude Lévi-Strauss (Les structures élémentaires de la parenté, Paris, Mouton, Maison des sciences de l’homme, coll. « de Rééditions », [1967] 1973), Antony Giddens (The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration, Berkely (CA), University of California Press, 1984).
Par exemple : José Ortega y Gasset (« La barbarie du “spécialisme” », dans La révolte des masses, Paris, Gallimard, coll. « Idées », [1930] 1961), Basarab Nicolescu (La transdisciplinarité. Manifeste, Éditions du Rocher, coll. « Transdisciplinarité », 1996).
Karl Marx, Le Capital. Critique de l’économie politique [1867], dans Oeuvres, Économie I, Paris, Gallimard, coll. « La pléiade », 1965.
Claude Lévi-Strauss, Les structures élémentaires de la parenté, op. cit.
Edgar Morin, La méthode - 2. La Vie de la Vie, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 1980, p. 94.
Philippe Moreau Defarges, La mondialisation, Paris, PUF, coll. « Que sais-je? », [1997] 2005, p. 28.
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) en anglais.
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) en anglais.
Organization of American States (OAS) en anglais.
African Union (AU) en anglais. Anciennement l’Organisation de l’Unité africaine (OUA) et Organization of African Unity (OAU) en anglais.
European Union (EU) en anglais.
Free Trade Area of Americas (FTAA) en anglais.
Product+ (χ2 = 139), export+ (χ2 = 126), rate+ (χ2 = 124), increase+ (χ2 = 110), price+ (χ2 = 93), industr+ (χ2 = 82), wage+ (χ2 = 79), income+ (χ2 = 77), cost (χ2 = 74), growth (χ2 = 68), exchange+ (χ2 = 66), manufactur+ (χ2 = 66), market+ (χ2 = 46), tariff+ (χ2 = 35).
Mouvement+ (χ2 = 236), social+ (χ2 = 201), global+ (χ2 = 173), transnational+ (χ2 = 159), neolibéral+ (χ2 = 114), organ+ (χ2 = 110), labor+ (χ2 = 89), network+ (χ2 = 78), societ (χ2 = 76), civil (χ2 = 76).
Class+ (χ2 = 59), gender+ (χ2 = 54), women (χ2 = 48), right (χ2 = 48), feminist+ (χ2 = 45), justice (χ2 = 45).
International+ (χ2 = 98), environmental+ (χ2 = 93), govern+ (χ2 = 76), legisl (χ2 = 65), institutional (χ2 = 64), legal+ (χ2 = 55), fedéral+ (χ2 = 52), clause+ (χ2 = 51), intergovernmental (χ2 = 51), regime+ (χ2 = 47), constitutional (χ2 = 47).
Free+ (χ2 = 359), trade+ (χ2 = 333) et agreement+ (χ2 = 289).
North (χ2 = 176), regional+ (χ2 = 145), america+ (χ2 = 84), asia (χ2 = 122), multilateral+ (χ2 = 105), japan+ (χ2 = 103), east (χ2 = 59), countries (χ2 = 58), caribbean (χ2 = 57), latin (χ2 = 53), south-east (χ2 = 35).
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Product+ (χ2 = 455), trade+ (χ2 = 351), agricultural (χ2 = 343), industr+ (χ2 = 241), cost (χ2 = 223), market (χ2 = 189), export+ (χ2 = 189), invest+ (χ2 = 180), sector+ (χ2 = 177), price+ (χ2 = 168), tariff+ (χ2 = 155), competition+ (χ2 = 147).
Inform+ (χ2 = 158), research+ (χ2 = 147), network+ (χ2 = 117), scientific (χ2 = 110), méthode (χ2 = 92), technolog+ (χ2 = 91), knowledge (χ2 = 86).
Discourse+ (χ2 = 348), cultural+ (χ2 = 307), identity (χ2 = 256), polit+ (χ2 = 236), culture+ (χ2 = 190).
Woman+ (χ2 = 339), famil+ (χ2 = 327), employ+ (χ2 = 316), unemploy+ (χ2 = 301), work (χ2 = 256).
Securit+ (χ2 = 546), foreign+ (χ2 = 280), war+ (χ2 = 258), NATO (χ2 = 256), defense+ (χ2 = 255), militar+ (χ2 = 219).
Monetar+ (χ2 = 698), fiscal+ (χ2 = 513), inflation+ (χ2 = 436), euro+ (χ2 = 297), rate+ (χ2 = 284), budget+ (χ2 = 232), bank (χ2 = 205).
Election+ (χ2 = 253), parliament+ (χ2 = 194), elite (χ2 = 153), democrat+ (χ2 = 121), electoral (χ2 = 106), referemdum (χ2 = 90).
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US (χ2 = 11), Canada+ (χ2 = 10), state+ (χ2 = 7), Caribbean (χ2 = 6).
Negoti+ (χ2 = 21), polit+ (χ2 = 18), government+ (χ2 = 6).
Develop+ (χ2 = 10), progress (χ2 = 7).
Agreement+ (χ2 = 8), cooperat+ (χ2 = 8), power (χ2 = 8), arrangement+ (χ2 = 8).
Result+ (χ2 = 59), model+ (χ2 = 55), estimate+ (χ2 = 54), effect+ (χ2 = 38), equilibrium (χ2 = 38).
Gain+ (χ2 = 44), increase+ (χ2 = 40), export+ (χ2 = 38), product+ (χ2 = 35), tariff (χ2 = 31), sector+ (χ2 = 31).
Welfare (χ2 = 45), employ+ (χ2 = 25), service+ (χ2 = 23).
Transnational+ (χ2 = 127), movement+ (χ2 = 126), civil (χ2 = 82), démocrac+ (χ2 = 71), action+ (χ2 = 63), activism (χ2 = 44), network (χ2 = 42), collective+ (χ2 = 35), class (χ2 = 35), resistance (χ2 = 32), gender+ (χ2 = 27), protest+ (χ2 = 27).
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Trade (χ2 = 78), govern+ (χ2 = 56), agreement+ (χ2 = 49), negotiation+ (χ2 = 44), society+ (χ2 = 43), free (χ2 = 43), civil+ (χ2 = 35), represent+ (χ2 = 32).
Démocrac+ (χ2 = 61) et démocrat+ (χ2 = 48).
American+ (χ2 = 42), US (χ2 = 18), states+ (χ2 = 17), region+ (χ2 = 15), Peru (χ2 = 9).
Defense (χ2 = 15).
Organisation (χ2 = 13), solidarité (χ2 = 12), élection (χ2 = 10).
Stud+ (χ2 = 35), valid+ (χ2 = 28), report+ (χ2 = 27), survey+ (χ2 = 24), findings (χ2 = 23), sample (χ2 = 19), data (χ2 = 16).
Drug+ (χ2 = 80), abuse+ (χ2 = 42), alcohol (χ2 = 36), offender+ (χ2 = 24), substance (χ2 = 24), ecstasy (χ2 = 16).
Latino+ (χ2 = 28), black+ (χ2 = 24), reli+ (χ2 = 20), white (χ2 = 20), racial+ (χ2 = 15).
Right+ (χ2 = 75), human (χ2 = 68), traffick+ (χ2 = 38), indigenous (χ2 = 29), women+ (χ2 = 29), child (χ2 = 28), countr+ (χ2 = 24), labour (χ2 = 23), migration+ (χ2 = 23), cultural (χ2 = 20).
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Migrant (χ2 = 60), transnational (χ2 = 53), context+ (χ2 = 51), labor+ (χ2 = 47), right+ (χ2 = 45), protest+ (χ2 = 43), human (χ2 = 37), movement+ (χ2 = 36), women+ (χ2 = 36), gender+ (χ2 = 35).
Asia+ (χ2 = 229), pacific+ (χ2 = 141), east (χ2 = 96), regional+ (χ2 = 95), Europe+ (χ2 = 61), asian+ (χ2 = 48), région (χ2 = 37).
Cooperat+ (χ2 = 81), establish+ (χ2 = 35), forum+ (χ2 = 30), integrat+ (χ2 = 27), project+ (χ2 = 25), institut+ (χ2 = 24), souvereign (χ2 = 23).
Republic (χ2 = 59), relation+ (χ2 = 55), mutual+ (χ2 = 40).
China+ (χ2 = 96), Austral+ (χ2 = 67), US (χ2 = 38), India (χ2 = 33), Japan+ (χ2 = 24).
Trade (χ2 = 86), product+ (χ2 = 61), growth (χ2 = 46), liberal+ (χ2 = 44), export+ (χ2 = 44), sector (χ2 = 43), increase+ (χ2 = 42), service+ (χ2 = 39), gain+ (χ2 = 38), flow+ (χ2 = 35), industr+ (χ2 = 35), invest+ (χ2 = 34).
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Research+ (χ2 = 334), data (χ2 = 324), interview+ (χ2 = 214), sample+ (χ2 = 176), findings (χ2 = 163), study+ (χ2 = 153), factors (χ2 = 90), vari+ (χ2 = 88), report+ (χ2 = 88).
Women+ (χ2 = 295), health+ (χ2 = 284), educat+ (χ2 = 123), teachers+ (χ2 = 123), men+ (χ2 = 98), violence+ (χ2 = 79), abuse+ (χ2 = 77), students+ (χ2 = 77), child (χ2 = 69), risk+ (χ2 = 66).
Service+ (χ2 = 380), cost (χ2 = 304), market+ (χ2 = 237), private+ (χ2 = 207), fund+ (χ2 = 200), insur+ (χ2 = 181), price+ (χ2 = 179), tax (χ2 = 167), benefit+ (χ2 = 158).
Securit+ (χ2 = 228), war (χ2 = 222), foreign+ (χ2 = 201), terror+ (χ2 = 170), independent (χ2 = 163), nuclear (χ2 = 78), militar+ (χ2 = 76).
Asia+ (χ2 = 183), British+ (χ2 = 149), Europe+ (χ2 = 148), Russia (χ2 = 147), Austral+ (χ2 = 147), pacific+ (χ2 = 107).
Law (χ2 = 554), right+ (χ2 = 521), legal+ (χ2 = 249), citizen+ (χ2 = 159), sovereign+ (χ2 = 149), people+ (χ2 = 134), racial+ (χ2 = 114), indigenous+ (χ2 = 112), toler+ (χ2 = 106), exclusion+ (χ2 = 98), racism+ (χ2 = 83), freedom+ (χ2 = 69).
Elect+ (χ2 = 1096), president+ (χ2 = 330), vote+ (χ2 = 292), parliament+ (χ2 = 185), campaign+ (χ2 = 165), voter+ (χ2 = 149), minister+ (χ2 = 141), candidates+ (χ2 = 98).
Nineteen (χ2 = 637), nineties+ (χ2 = 439), centur+ (χ2 = 245), twentieth (χ2 = 165), nineteenth (χ2 = 160), begin (χ2 = 49).
Settlement+ (χ2 = 61), decolonizati (χ2 = 23), federation+ (χ2 = 20).
Polit+ (χ2 = 167), article+ (χ2 = 157), contemporar+ (χ2 = 150), theor+ (χ2 = 132), concept+ (χ2 = 125), femin+ (χ2 = 123), societ+ (χ2 = 111), think (χ2 = 106), discourse+ (χ2 = 93), dimension+ (χ2 = 84), mainstream+ (χ2 = 84), critique+ (χ2 = 71), approaches (χ2 = 71).
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