
Volume 79, Number 4, 1998 OECD Workshop - Sustainable Pest Management, Safe Utilization of New Organisms in Biological Control. Montréal, Québec, Canada. September 27-30, 1998. Atelier de l’OCDE - Gestion durable des ennemis des cultures, Utilisation sécuritaire de nouveaux organismes de lutte biologique. Montréal, Québec, Canada. 27-30 Septembre 1998.

Table of contents (30 articles)

  1. Introduction

Policy and Regulations for Registration of Microbial Organisms

  1. Policy and Regulations for Registration of Microbial Organisms in Canada
  2. Policy and Regulations for Registration of Microbial Organisms in Denmark
  3. Registration of Biological Pesticides in Sweden and the EU
  4. Regulation of Microbial Organisms in Australia – A Technical Overview
  5. Policy and Regulations for New Organisms Supporting Sustainable Pest Management in the United States

Research Challenges and Needs for Safe Use of Microbial Organisms – an Industrial Perspective

Research Challenges and Needs for Safe Use of Microbial Organisms

  1. Research Challenges and Needs for Safe Use of Microbial Organisms : Introduction
  2. Research Challenges and Needs for Safe Use of Microbial Organisms (Bacillus thuringiensis)
  3. Safe Use of Replicating Bacteria in Biological Control
  4. Use of Fungi for Pest Control in Sustainable Agriculture
  5. Research and Development Opportunities for Safe Use of Viruses
  6. The Safe Use of Fungi for Biological Control of Weeds
  7. Microsporidia as Classical Biological Control Agents : Research and Regulatory Issues

Research Challenges and Needs for Safe Use of Arthropods

Research Challenges and Needs for Safe Utilization of Transgenic Organisms

  1. Research Challenges and Needs for Safe Use of Transgenic Organisms : Introduction
  2. Safe Utilisation of Transgenic Virus-resistant Plants
  3. Virus Resistant Transgenic Sweet Potato with the CP Gene : Current Challenge and Perspective of its Use
  4. Fungal Disease Control in Banana, a Tropical Monocot : Transgenic Plants in the Third World?
  5. Transgenic Plants for Insect Resistance
  6. Transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis
  7. Research Challenges and Needs for Safe Utilization of Transgenic Viruses
  8. Strain Improvement in Biocontrol Fungi
  9. Challenges for the Safe Use of Transgenic Arthropod Natural enemies for Pest Management Programs

OECD Workshop

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