Philosophy in Review

Volume 41, Number 2, May 2021

Table of contents (15 articles)

Book Reviews

  1. Robert B. Brandom, "A Spirit of Trust: A Reading of Hegel’s Phenomenology."
  2. Michael J. Dodds, "The One Creator God in Thomas Aquinas and Contemporary Theology."
  3. Susan L. Dunston, "Emerson and Environmental Ethics."
  4. Elizabeth Frazer and Kimberly Hutchings, "Violence and Political Theory."
  5. Richard Gilman-Opalsky, "The Communism of Love: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Exchange Value."
  6. Oliver Gloag, "Albert Camus: A Very Short Introduction."
  7. Richard Greene and Rachel Robison-Greene, (Eds.). "Conspiracy Theories: Philosophers Connect the Dots."
  8. Henrik Lagerlund, "Skepticism in Philosophy: A Comprehensive, Historical Introduction."
  9. Christian List, "Why Free Will Is Real."
  10. Michael Neu, "Just Liberal Violence: Sweatshops, Torture, War."
  11. Karen Ng, "Hegel's Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic."
  12. Thomas Piketty, "Capital and Ideology."
  13. David Rudrum, Ridvan Askin, and Frida Beckman, "New Directions in Philosophy and Literature."
  14. Jussi Suikkanen and Antti Kauppinen (Eds.), "Methodology and Moral Philosophy."
  15. Allen W. Wood, "Kant and Religion."


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